I am so blessed in my life, let me just do this via shout outs right now to the greats of the week:
Farah, she is lovely, supportive and practically perfect in every way.
Parker, he is funny, loyal, and constant.
James, he is devoted, loving, and a true friend.
Jim & Jenn, he is hilarious, committed, and passionate while she is supportive, loads of fun, and devoted.
Jennifers, she is honest, flippin' silly, and trustworthy.
Kaleb, he is random, insightful, and lavish.
Jon & Morgan, he is solid, witty, and compassionate while she is charismatic, encouraging, and passionate.
Tanya, she is silly, excitable, and consistent.
I could go on and on... But for now I will stop there... If you read this blog and you aren't mentioned... Sorry. But that probably means I haven't had a ton of contact with you outside of the 9-5 in the past week.
And then there's my lovely family who I can't say enough about. I love my life. I have some amazing people around me.
Friday, January 27, 2006
Thursday, January 26, 2006
...on the bathroom wall.
Seriously. I was listening to some American Idol auditions today, and let me just say this. It was so funny! This one guy got to audition twice and he sang this horrible song where he looked like a possessed six year old child... I know most of you don't know what this looks like, but I do. Anyway it was all about "Constance." or something like that. It was so funny, I snorted a few times. The best part is when the camera guy/girl pans across the judges table to show their reactions to the singer. Kudos to the camera guy/girl for capturing those classic AI moments.
So this week has been a ROLLERCOASTER of activities. Let me sum it up like this. We had a surprise visit from the state to check out our documents and I was the only person around to show the man the stuff. Crazy times. But seriously guys, we did well...
And now comes the point where I tell you the truth and no lies: I am going to have a great weekend, cause well.... I deserve it. Is that totally selfish and insane of me to say? I'm gonna vote--No it's not. I can party harty and deal with it, cause I have been through the ringer this week.
So bottoms up, or something (shudder that reminds me of a gross movie--never mind, I'll tell you when you're older...)
Shaw Out.
So this week has been a ROLLERCOASTER of activities. Let me sum it up like this. We had a surprise visit from the state to check out our documents and I was the only person around to show the man the stuff. Crazy times. But seriously guys, we did well...
And now comes the point where I tell you the truth and no lies: I am going to have a great weekend, cause well.... I deserve it. Is that totally selfish and insane of me to say? I'm gonna vote--No it's not. I can party harty and deal with it, cause I have been through the ringer this week.
So bottoms up, or something (shudder that reminds me of a gross movie--never mind, I'll tell you when you're older...)
Shaw Out.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
My Break...
Here is a new list off of the "list of amazing things I could do during my month and one day off" that I actually did:
Write my story: Memoirs of a Gay-Shaw (ok, I started the film version--watch out Oscar Party!)
Wake up late and sleep in everyday
Chop down a cherry tree--ok it was just part of some birch tree but I did it. (shout out to Tanya who was my accomplice)
Meet Farah's family-- I loved all of them, and still do.
Meet a new imaginary friend and call him Bill, Harold or Augdington (I called him Augdington)
Hunt for the Larsen family who went to Disneyland on Regis and Kelly--I think I looked online.
Cut my toenails--at long last I did it.
Eat a box of Cheeze-Its--mmm I better do this again. I am going on my health kick tomorrow.
Write two new chapters of Brandon's Story in Nedge--I did some brainstorming and prep work which I will gladly count as 2 chapters.
Watch three movies I've been putting off watching--I pretty much did this by watching Batman Begins, 24, another one I can't remember, and the Shawshank Redemption tonight.
Find a way to make silent garbage trucks so you don't wake up early--I discovered wearing ear plugs or getting too much wax in your ears solves this problem.
Create the official definition for bean-phobics (I know there are more out there)-- I came up with it. Michael Shaw
Find something in the sand at the beach-- I found a Corona bottle and new directions to the beach.
Find out why The View is the best place to spend the holidays (I have my doubts)--I found out it is because Star Jones only has one boob (ok that sounds gross but I watched a show where they showed why Star Jones only has one boob--it was REALLY funny.)
Find out why I thought a griffin was an eagle body and a lion head--I didn't I'm just stubborn and didn't like being wrong.
Make a list of exciting adjectives- Totally did this with the Lovely Farah.
Make a list of captivating verbs--Totally did this the day after I saw the Lovely Farah.
That's all. (I think I am officially odd) (again)
Write my story: Memoirs of a Gay-Shaw (ok, I started the film version--watch out Oscar Party!)
Wake up late and sleep in everyday
Chop down a cherry tree--ok it was just part of some birch tree but I did it. (shout out to Tanya who was my accomplice)
Meet Farah's family-- I loved all of them, and still do.
Meet a new imaginary friend and call him Bill, Harold or Augdington (I called him Augdington)
Hunt for the Larsen family who went to Disneyland on Regis and Kelly--I think I looked online.
Cut my toenails--at long last I did it.
Eat a box of Cheeze-Its--mmm I better do this again. I am going on my health kick tomorrow.
Write two new chapters of Brandon's Story in Nedge--I did some brainstorming and prep work which I will gladly count as 2 chapters.
Watch three movies I've been putting off watching--I pretty much did this by watching Batman Begins, 24, another one I can't remember, and the Shawshank Redemption tonight.
Find a way to make silent garbage trucks so you don't wake up early--I discovered wearing ear plugs or getting too much wax in your ears solves this problem.
Create the official definition for bean-phobics (I know there are more out there)-- I came up with it. Michael Shaw
Find something in the sand at the beach-- I found a Corona bottle and new directions to the beach.
Find out why The View is the best place to spend the holidays (I have my doubts)--I found out it is because Star Jones only has one boob (ok that sounds gross but I watched a show where they showed why Star Jones only has one boob--it was REALLY funny.)
Find out why I thought a griffin was an eagle body and a lion head--I didn't I'm just stubborn and didn't like being wrong.
Make a list of exciting adjectives- Totally did this with the Lovely Farah.
Make a list of captivating verbs--Totally did this the day after I saw the Lovely Farah.
That's all. (I think I am officially odd) (again)
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Look... It is 5:something am and I just finished 24. I'm just saying. It was good. I am not tired, and I've been awake since 11 am. This is the longest day of my life (not really, but still).
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
My Picture finally made the cut!

At long last it has been framed. I quite like how it works with my blue theme (shout out to Cory and Blu... You need to call me back so I can come visit... I totally talked to your dad while you were in the shower--I want to see the baby).
Sunday, January 15, 2006
K-Man and Li
Guess who is getting married? They totally were talking to us, and then suddenly fell silent to take this picture. "had to smile..."
Wipe... Wipe... Wipe...
We couldn't even see out the window!
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
RIP 1st Class
Ok so tonight was the last meeting for my first class at Chapman. I am going to miss it a lot because the teacher was really nice and the people in my class were so random and funny...
So this blog is dedicated to the people, especially those who I never learned names to... In memorandum...
"The kids need the boozes."
"You know what the paddle is for."
"Oh sure."
Note to self- When she says "Fat" remember not to look around.
The low talker
The "I took the challenge" girl
They old man who quit after the first week
The woman who didn't know people's names and just made up new ones in order to compliment us--I was Tommy and Bobby)
My LaVerne girls representing old skool ULV
The Hippie who reminded me of the low talker on Seinfeld
The realistic nice girl in the front who was ALWAYS overly early
The Burger King Duo who always ran to BK during our 10-15 min break
The Lady who taught me to use organic cleaners and talked about whale penises
Ronnie, for showing a video that shouted out curse words
The rest of the class
The funniest moment in my estimation...
A student was doing a lesson on positive reinforcement and she called three students up so she could say something nice to each one of them. I thought, wow, how nice. So three students went up, two girls and a guy. To the first girl she says something nice along the lines of "I've noticed you always come into the class with a big smile on your face. I think that's nice." To the second girl the student said something nice like "I love your broach." And then to the third person she called up the student said “Russel, I don’t like your shirt.” Then she asked him, "How did that make you feel?" And he said, very quickly, and almost frazzled, "Why did you call me up here to give me a compliment?"
I nearly peed my pants. I think that was the funniest moment yet.
Come on, heres to getting a Master's degree.
Raise a glass.
So this blog is dedicated to the people, especially those who I never learned names to... In memorandum...
"The kids need the boozes."
"You know what the paddle is for."
"Oh sure."
Note to self- When she says "Fat" remember not to look around.
The low talker
The "I took the challenge" girl
They old man who quit after the first week
The woman who didn't know people's names and just made up new ones in order to compliment us--I was Tommy and Bobby)
My LaVerne girls representing old skool ULV
The Hippie who reminded me of the low talker on Seinfeld
The realistic nice girl in the front who was ALWAYS overly early
The Burger King Duo who always ran to BK during our 10-15 min break
The Lady who taught me to use organic cleaners and talked about whale penises
Ronnie, for showing a video that shouted out curse words
The rest of the class
The funniest moment in my estimation...
A student was doing a lesson on positive reinforcement and she called three students up so she could say something nice to each one of them. I thought, wow, how nice. So three students went up, two girls and a guy. To the first girl she says something nice along the lines of "I've noticed you always come into the class with a big smile on your face. I think that's nice." To the second girl the student said something nice like "I love your broach." And then to the third person she called up the student said “Russel, I don’t like your shirt.” Then she asked him, "How did that make you feel?" And he said, very quickly, and almost frazzled, "Why did you call me up here to give me a compliment?"
I nearly peed my pants. I think that was the funniest moment yet.
Come on, heres to getting a Master's degree.
Raise a glass.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Movie Time...
Rumor has it...
Yeah, yeah. I watch a lot of movies, but still. I guess this movie wasn't that well acclaimed but honestly I liked it. (Maybe Farah has made me all sappy or something) This was a good movie to teach on forgiveness and restoration. The acting was just average, except for some of the heightened emotional scenes where Mark Ruffalo flexed his acting muscles and showed he's leading man material. The story has been around since well.. 1964, but still, it was an updated version of it.
I liked that there was a central theme of love and complex relationships... It also had an unforeseen ending (it is always good when you sit in the theatre and wonder, "This could end 7 different ways... which way will the choose." And then they give you something a little true to life, and yet a little Hollywood glamour added for satisfaction of mass audiences.).
Good premise, and although it was a little far fetched and lacked the more comedic tones I was expecting, many of the elements read true to life. I liked it. But it's not the smash hit comedy of the season.
Overall: Rice cakes and peanut butter with a full glass of Diet Coke.
Yeah, yeah. I watch a lot of movies, but still. I guess this movie wasn't that well acclaimed but honestly I liked it. (Maybe Farah has made me all sappy or something) This was a good movie to teach on forgiveness and restoration. The acting was just average, except for some of the heightened emotional scenes where Mark Ruffalo flexed his acting muscles and showed he's leading man material. The story has been around since well.. 1964, but still, it was an updated version of it.
I liked that there was a central theme of love and complex relationships... It also had an unforeseen ending (it is always good when you sit in the theatre and wonder, "This could end 7 different ways... which way will the choose." And then they give you something a little true to life, and yet a little Hollywood glamour added for satisfaction of mass audiences.).
Good premise, and although it was a little far fetched and lacked the more comedic tones I was expecting, many of the elements read true to life. I liked it. But it's not the smash hit comedy of the season.
Overall: Rice cakes and peanut butter with a full glass of Diet Coke.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Movie Time...
Walk the Line...
I thought this film lacked the luster and appeal that the commercials, trailers, interviews, and media hype had been promising.
The music was good at times, boring in others. But every time that June Carter appeared on the screen you just felt like life was that much better. (Ok... That was my sappy plug to say that I really like Reese Witherspoon) I was indeed impressed with the quality of musical abilities and acting that Joaquin and Reese gave us, but the story (while I'm sure true to his life), strangely just echoed Ray. It's like Ray with out being black or blind. Gee, I don't know if that is politically correct. Oh well, it's true.
I didn't hate the movie, I was simply hoping for something different.
Overall: Rice cakes and peanut butter, hold the Diet Coke.
This was the "Complex, Cognitive Clooney Cinema" experience. I liked it, again (it seems my movie reviews are starting to echo each other), I felt the acting was great... Superior at times, but it was such a complex story line that I wished there was something more to help tidy up the main plot. I really appreciated the look into the monopoly and decay of Big Oil, and at times I was challenged to think more about who is in control by looking at life from another person's perspective.
While this isn't my pick for movie of the year, I really liked being challenged for a change. I get sick of "Johnny Knoxville, moron-athon films" that Hollywood dishes out, so for the complexity of Syriana I send major Kudos to WB, Stephen Gaghan, Clooney, and company.
Overal: Rice cakes and peanut butter with a Diet Coke.... And during moments I smelled some good Spaghetti dinner being cooked.
I thought this film lacked the luster and appeal that the commercials, trailers, interviews, and media hype had been promising.
The music was good at times, boring in others. But every time that June Carter appeared on the screen you just felt like life was that much better. (Ok... That was my sappy plug to say that I really like Reese Witherspoon) I was indeed impressed with the quality of musical abilities and acting that Joaquin and Reese gave us, but the story (while I'm sure true to his life), strangely just echoed Ray. It's like Ray with out being black or blind. Gee, I don't know if that is politically correct. Oh well, it's true.
I didn't hate the movie, I was simply hoping for something different.
Overall: Rice cakes and peanut butter, hold the Diet Coke.
This was the "Complex, Cognitive Clooney Cinema" experience. I liked it, again (it seems my movie reviews are starting to echo each other), I felt the acting was great... Superior at times, but it was such a complex story line that I wished there was something more to help tidy up the main plot. I really appreciated the look into the monopoly and decay of Big Oil, and at times I was challenged to think more about who is in control by looking at life from another person's perspective.
While this isn't my pick for movie of the year, I really liked being challenged for a change. I get sick of "Johnny Knoxville, moron-athon films" that Hollywood dishes out, so for the complexity of Syriana I send major Kudos to WB, Stephen Gaghan, Clooney, and company.
Overal: Rice cakes and peanut butter with a Diet Coke.... And during moments I smelled some good Spaghetti dinner being cooked.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
This is the far corner, which I glance at when trying to think of ideas. I really like the blue theme in the room.
Yeah the grid wall was cool... But it had to go... Boo hoo... LOOK AT ALL THE CRAP!!! AHH! IT WAS SO MESSY!
The Checker/Tea Corner
This corner is dedicated to two things:
A) Kaleb Baker and his mad (meaning awesome) obsessions
B) My love for Professor Trewlany
A) Kaleb Baker and his mad (meaning awesome) obsessions
B) My love for Professor Trewlany
The Lamp of my Dreams
I found this at Cost Plus World Market... Beautiful in my opinion.
Friday, January 06, 2006
I totally just took my coins in to the Coin Star Machine... and...
drum-roll please...
I saved $133.30... I paid a bit, but I walk away over 121 bucks richer...
drum-roll please...
I saved $133.30... I paid a bit, but I walk away over 121 bucks richer...
Ig and Li (we looked good)
Lisa hates Navy Blue. Secretly she loves it.
The Sullivans singing Da-who-fore
Look at them. They totally sang the song with their Who-daughter.
Look at how happy she is...
"Hooray. My Uncle Iggy lets me do it all myself!"
The Cass and The Shirt
How horrible is this shirt!?! I'm just saying!
I celebrate my love to you....
Whoops you came in on an intimate moment there. Sorry. So here's the dealie-yo. I will be finished with Stage Three of the writing room... What's that you say? What were Stages 1 and 2... Well let me tell ya...
Stage 1- Clean out the Writing Room
Stage 2- Paint and reorganize the Writing Room
Stage 3- Decorate the Writing Room so I will feel up to using it for the rest of the month
Now, that doesn't mean I am finished. There are still touch up areas. Replacement furniture to be bought, and some picture hanging that needs to happen (I call that Stage 4- Finishing it). But for the most part it is a workable room for creativity to emerge and for me to be a hermit in! I am really excited, especially since I think Farah will be coming to spill her creativity into the room in a week and a half! YEAH BABY!
Thanks to those of you who contributed, and even to you Kaleb--I'll defend you when Farah comes after you for not helping. he he he
Pictures to come tonight.
P.S. If anyone has any old trunks (smaller than 3 feet) I would like to make an end table out of them.
Whoops you came in on an intimate moment there. Sorry. So here's the dealie-yo. I will be finished with Stage Three of the writing room... What's that you say? What were Stages 1 and 2... Well let me tell ya...
Stage 1- Clean out the Writing Room
Stage 2- Paint and reorganize the Writing Room
Stage 3- Decorate the Writing Room so I will feel up to using it for the rest of the month
Now, that doesn't mean I am finished. There are still touch up areas. Replacement furniture to be bought, and some picture hanging that needs to happen (I call that Stage 4- Finishing it). But for the most part it is a workable room for creativity to emerge and for me to be a hermit in! I am really excited, especially since I think Farah will be coming to spill her creativity into the room in a week and a half! YEAH BABY!
Thanks to those of you who contributed, and even to you Kaleb--I'll defend you when Farah comes after you for not helping. he he he
Pictures to come tonight.
P.S. If anyone has any old trunks (smaller than 3 feet) I would like to make an end table out of them.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Jason Sullivan I still have that stinking "And 5 Rubber Ducks!" in my head....
read on...
read on...
Ahh! Everybody run for your lives! Ok... Wait. don't do that. Because I'm talking about the Writing Room. My first efforts are nearly exhausted so I will be finishing up and posting pictures of the room shortly.
I've painted, cleaned, organized, designed, and collected furniture from around the house to fill the room with inspiration. Sure, it falls just a little short of what I'd really like to have, but the basic structure is there. Mainly it is near to what I want because of a few loved ones who have graciously taken time out of their lives to provide me with some AMAZING artifacts to fill the shelves and surfaces with inspiration. And actually, now that I have the basic structure, quite frankly I'd rather be writing my story than working on the room.
Today I will be putting the painting supplies away, cleaning the garage (ugh--I am definitely the messiest person who ever roamed the Countrywood area), and then I'll be considering buying curtains OR cleaning off the last 5 shelves. And then---
"Armageddon is upon us. The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand! Your souls are in danger!"
"Our lives are in danger, you Beatnik!"
I've painted, cleaned, organized, designed, and collected furniture from around the house to fill the room with inspiration. Sure, it falls just a little short of what I'd really like to have, but the basic structure is there. Mainly it is near to what I want because of a few loved ones who have graciously taken time out of their lives to provide me with some AMAZING artifacts to fill the shelves and surfaces with inspiration. And actually, now that I have the basic structure, quite frankly I'd rather be writing my story than working on the room.
Today I will be putting the painting supplies away, cleaning the garage (ugh--I am definitely the messiest person who ever roamed the Countrywood area), and then I'll be considering buying curtains OR cleaning off the last 5 shelves. And then---
"Armageddon is upon us. The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand! Your souls are in danger!"
"Our lives are in danger, you Beatnik!"
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
A Second Time for Movies...
Fun with Dick and Jane...
What to say about this movie. It was shockingly insane, random, totally off the wall, a kodak moment of corporate America, and just all out silliness. I absolutely loved it. It was like watching Jim on Martha Stewart's Apprentice. Total insanity.
Jim Carrey is a really funny guy, Tea Leoni was odd and added some good moments, and the whole concept just makes me laugh. But the best character was by far was the KostMart customer who I can't seem to find on IMDB... I will keep up the search.
Everything from the bank robbing, KostPlus "goodies", "Thank you Jesus", the spanish speaking/hispanic accented white boy, to the stupid sod laying scene was just classic. This film, in my horrible estimation, is bound to be a cult classic. I could see where oodles of people would see this and say, "Eh." But Michael says, "Ah!" and I wish I would have seen it earlier in the day so I could rush in and see it again. Perhaps I am a bit on the giddy side of life right now because I got to see 2 movies in 1 day, but still.
Overall: Full spaghetti dinner
For most people: Rice Cakes and Peanut butter
What to say about this movie. It was shockingly insane, random, totally off the wall, a kodak moment of corporate America, and just all out silliness. I absolutely loved it. It was like watching Jim on Martha Stewart's Apprentice. Total insanity.
Jim Carrey is a really funny guy, Tea Leoni was odd and added some good moments, and the whole concept just makes me laugh. But the best character was by far was the KostMart customer who I can't seem to find on IMDB... I will keep up the search.
Everything from the bank robbing, KostPlus "goodies", "Thank you Jesus", the spanish speaking/hispanic accented white boy, to the stupid sod laying scene was just classic. This film, in my horrible estimation, is bound to be a cult classic. I could see where oodles of people would see this and say, "Eh." But Michael says, "Ah!" and I wish I would have seen it earlier in the day so I could rush in and see it again. Perhaps I am a bit on the giddy side of life right now because I got to see 2 movies in 1 day, but still.
Overall: Full spaghetti dinner
For most people: Rice Cakes and Peanut butter
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Movie Time...
Cheaper by the Dozen 2...
This was a very light-hearted movie that tried to emulate the previous film, but in my estimation wasn't as successful as the first dozen... It was sort of like day old donuts, good, but just not as light and refreshing.
I am in love with Bonnie Hunt for her realistic, calm portrayal of a supportive wife and mother, Steve Martin was ok... But that Eugene Levy guy! Bad casting. He is good and believable as the nerdy character, but the strict--I'm-gonna-run-my-house-like-the-military-and-beat-the-pants-off-you-dad attitude was very unbelievable--and I say that in the bad way.
There were some funny moments, in particular in the movie theatre when the dads were together! FUNNY STUFF! Who saw that one coming?
Overall: This is a definite candidate for a Rice Cake movie with no Diet Coke, and just a touch of peanut butter.
This was a very light-hearted movie that tried to emulate the previous film, but in my estimation wasn't as successful as the first dozen... It was sort of like day old donuts, good, but just not as light and refreshing.
I am in love with Bonnie Hunt for her realistic, calm portrayal of a supportive wife and mother, Steve Martin was ok... But that Eugene Levy guy! Bad casting. He is good and believable as the nerdy character, but the strict--I'm-gonna-run-my-house-like-the-military-and-beat-the-pants-off-you-dad attitude was very unbelievable--and I say that in the bad way.
There were some funny moments, in particular in the movie theatre when the dads were together! FUNNY STUFF! Who saw that one coming?
Overall: This is a definite candidate for a Rice Cake movie with no Diet Coke, and just a touch of peanut butter.
Monday, January 02, 2006
Blast, and Double Blast.
New Years came and went, and I totally forgot (cough cough) to make any New Years Resolutions...
So I decided to go ahead and give it a shot and post some New Years Lies--I mean Resolutions that I will totally keep this year:
1. I will not say the phrase "I'm not going to lie to you" more than 10 times a day (trust me this will be difficult).
2. I will only spend 2 hours overtime at school each week, but no more.
3. I will spend at least 2 hours of writing time in the writing room each week, and perhaps more.
4. I will only eat Cheez-Its once a month (oh no I love Cheez-Its)
5. I will stick with my question of the month and ask it of nearly everyone I interact with (This month's question is: If you had to compete in a reality tv show which show would it be?)
6. I will only dream about Farah seven times a day--Wait... I think that I should make it ten times.
7. I will only sing in the showers on weekends, or special holidays, or days in which I see fitting for adding melodious sounds to the porcelain chamber room.
8. I will read the second page of the Time Travelers Wife.
9. I will put a bean on my plate during one meal sometime during the duration of the year.
10. I will learn how to say "My name is Michael and I am afraid of beans." in 6 different languages.
11. I will befriend a Pirate named The Beck, Squashbrow, or Beardback
12. I will share an I Love Lucy quote on my blog bimonthly. Oh that crazy red head.
Look... I'm not going to lie to you (doh I used one already today, that means 9 left)... There was a "hurricane" outside (according to some sources), Kaleb is asleep on the floor, I'm trying to find a writing desk online, Tanya moves in 7 days, Parker didn't go to church yesterday, and Farah goes back to school tomorrow. I'm just saying... These are the times we live in.
Oh snap.
So I decided to go ahead and give it a shot and post some New Years Lies--I mean Resolutions that I will totally keep this year:
1. I will not say the phrase "I'm not going to lie to you" more than 10 times a day (trust me this will be difficult).
2. I will only spend 2 hours overtime at school each week, but no more.
3. I will spend at least 2 hours of writing time in the writing room each week, and perhaps more.
4. I will only eat Cheez-Its once a month (oh no I love Cheez-Its)
5. I will stick with my question of the month and ask it of nearly everyone I interact with (This month's question is: If you had to compete in a reality tv show which show would it be?)
6. I will only dream about Farah seven times a day--Wait... I think that I should make it ten times.
7. I will only sing in the showers on weekends, or special holidays, or days in which I see fitting for adding melodious sounds to the porcelain chamber room.
8. I will read the second page of the Time Travelers Wife.
9. I will put a bean on my plate during one meal sometime during the duration of the year.
10. I will learn how to say "My name is Michael and I am afraid of beans." in 6 different languages.
11. I will befriend a Pirate named The Beck, Squashbrow, or Beardback
12. I will share an I Love Lucy quote on my blog bimonthly. Oh that crazy red head.
Look... I'm not going to lie to you (doh I used one already today, that means 9 left)... There was a "hurricane" outside (according to some sources), Kaleb is asleep on the floor, I'm trying to find a writing desk online, Tanya moves in 7 days, Parker didn't go to church yesterday, and Farah goes back to school tomorrow. I'm just saying... These are the times we live in.
Oh snap.
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