Now here is my run down. Just pretend I am on E! and I have my daughter sitting next to me. Also pretend I am a crotchety old woman with lots of plastic surgery, who in my estimation, is hilarious.
The best couple award goes to:

The best of the worst hosts at the Emmy's goes to:

Person I pretended to like in order to get a picture of goes to:

Stupidest couple goes to (sorry Morgen):

Most classic goes to:

Best display of classic Shaw Family TV mom goes to:

Best old person falling down on the Red Carpet, but still keeping a good face goes to:

Best dressed of the night (seriously she is striking in person), who put her hand up to wave when I yelled her name goes to:

Best person named after a religious follower goes to:

Best Office person who I can only note as the one who gets her cast signed goes to (and Office friend):

Best contestant from a reality show who is a hoot in person goes to:

Best Office Make-Over goes to:

Best over-rated male on the carpet goes to:

Best Office character, hands down, goes to:

Best man who is likely to take my wife goes to:

Best straight person turned lesbian turned Emmy nominee goes to:

Best Office Person on the carpet goes to:

Best 90's TV Superhero Co-star goes to:

Best example of citrus on the carpet goes to:

Worst person on the carpet goes to:

There it is. The Emmy Awards!