Confession 1- I love making up ridiculous nicknames for Westly. This week I have started calling him "Ludwig van Baby" because of his little tuft of hair that sticks up on the back of his head. He looks like a musical genius of the 19th century or a mad scientist of the 20th. You take your pick--I vote Ludwig.

Confession 2- I am actually bummed this school-year is coming to an end. I have loved this group of students, even the ones who talk incessantly--yes you Charlie--does that count as a shout out? I know next year will be wonderful, but this group has that certain something. Alas, there are some years where you are just blessed with a great group.

Confession 3- I want to make ice cream. The last time I made my own ice cream was in the fifth grade during summer school. Back then it was a "fun" thing to do. There were interactive games and lessons that were all hands on. My favorite three were peanut butter taste testing (I picked Laura Scudders), Magic Class (seriously, I am Harry Potter), and the day we made ice cream in science. This summer, I want to get an old coffee can and make some ice cream in it.

Confession 4- I like the mornings. I know, for years I said I hated waking up, I liked sleeping in, yada yada yada. But in reality, I have come to love the mornings. Some good quiet time when no one is awake. The thought of "I can make this day anything I want it to be." The excitement of, "When will my doodles wake up so we can hang out?" To me, all mornings have that Christmas morning excitement. Maybe that comes with living in the Manor...

Confession 5- I haven't had a Diet Coke in 515 days. Not that anyone's counting. I know I should be proud, but just last night I had the urge to go out and buy one. To taste the processed sugar-free drink upon my lips. I can't help it. It has been around since I was born and it is a part of who I am. Perhaps I will always have a faint craving for the NutraSweet drink... But I mustn't drink one. I have an addictive FEAST OR FAMINE lifestyle, so I better stay away. Sigh.
So there they are. My confessions. Do you have anything to confess?