Cowboy take me away... Ok not really but how funny is this...

The latest arrival as a girl from Hustle n Flow...

One year to late says I but still...

"I knew ya wasn't goin fishin. Jack Nasty!!!"

Memoirs of a Geisha and Potta

Boy... I wish I could quit you.

His true love...

Their true love...

Fly away...

BFFs and then some...

The other cowboy without the hat...

Bethany people...

Cutest couple...

The gift bag. Something from every movie...
Ken and Ken for Brokeback
The gun for Munich
To Kill A Mockingbird for Capote
A bike helmet for Crash
the soundtrack to Good Night, and Good Luck

The giveaways...

Looks likes so much fun. It's moments like these that I feel the call to Santa Maria very strong in my life!
Wow michael1 you're always doing fun cool stuff, how come you never invite me...a night out whith out children, and I can have stimulating adult conversations....sounds like fun. By the way, your creativity is always impressive. Love Val!
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