That's right. Another year. A year ago today you wouldn't be able to understand this blog so many new things have happened observe the following statements:
Wii have come a long way,

the Pearl

has been lived in and is not too shabby.

We now know how to "make it work." Sure Sam Eagle

is being Idolized but we'll always have a friend with Lola. Let's talk about Lola and her one way ticket. Because Lola's one way ticket is going to make her turn shades of Aquamarine

'cause she'll find out about the Inconvenient Truth. That it is Eight Below

at the South Pole, at least for the next few months. I guess it is better than being Broke-in-the-Back on a Mountains of the north. Hey--speaking of which-- Miss Cleo,

Lance, Grey's Anatomy Dude, and Doogie

are all out. Call them now because the kids needed the booze. I guess the lot of them must have got the McPheever.

We all now know that when there is a Last Stand.

X-men die but come back to life so they can make more money. It's a shame, I thought Famke was PAID IN FULL.

Then there is the whole question of the producers changing the story from the Inside Out,

have those X-men Producers have sold their soul-sa.

Well, I guess they are loving souls-ah, at one point there were many X-men on MySpace,

at least that's what my friends list showed. Oh well, I guess there's more to come I'll just spend time on YOUtube

figuring out why Rosie is mad at The Donald, or what Atwater says is like a leathery shoe wrapped in burnt bacon.
The other life lessons we have learned go like-ah this: We know you can graduate from Hancock with multiple degrees and not even realize it.

The Devil wears Prada

and his minions live in Los Alamos, while Paul and his cronies work in Orcutt.

But if you want to buy a scooter a crazy old woman will sing to you. Time capsules are well hidden,

when you have a free piece of land. But other nightly acts aren't free like the land. If you leave signs on someone's yard, hot dogs on their cars, army men on the hood, or penguins on the porch

news will travel faster than K-Fed and Britney getting divorced

(Especially if you tell Fauf or Jenn). Or is it faster than the news about an ig and a fauf getting engaged?

Hum. Whatever the case. News travels fast. Oh and BTW: These hips don't lie.

I'm the TIME Person of the Year.

Ye have been warned!
Here's to a year of mystery and mayhem! We loved you 2006! You were simply FANCY.
Nice blog....SGT. PAIN!!!! you sneaky person you.
Yes, 2006 was pretty much an amazing year. I hope '07 will be heaven!
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