Now this blog needs to be premised with three ideas:
I love musicals.
I love Beyonce.
And I love J. Hud.
So take that first and wash it down with this:
Gosh, a month after the release into LA, the Central Coast finally gets this movie. Oh well, it's CC Opening Night so I saw it.
Ok, I really, really liked Dreamgirls. I thought it was a well balanced ensemble of characters and it didn't over (nor under) reach. Some movies try to be things they aren't and reach too far, and others don't even show signs of adding any depth to the characters but Dreamgirls found the happy medium. (sigh)
First off a stellar, believable performance by J. Hud made the movie grounded and exciting. She gave it the perfect balance of "hey this is a movie" but "hey this is real." Secondly the music was great: soulful and kept the plot going. Also the story had these Gumpish Moments--it followed some significant events in American history, in this case Black History, to chronicle one person(s) life/lives. I like that it was set against a real world and believe it or not many times the musical part of the story was believable. While I love old musicals I always wonder "Why are they singing?" But Dreamgirls made sense, it is all about the music industry and music so it was logical to have people burst into song.
Beyonce is validated as an actress in this one. She did a great job in her Diane Ross-esk portrayal of the pushed into the spotlight gal. I hate to stick on one idea with her--but man she is strikingly beautiful. Like, beautiful. Gotta love her. For all of those people who say she and J. Hud were rivals--eh I don't see it. I thought Beyonce held her own. She did the whole "I'm 16 and simple" and then emerged to "I'm queen supreme" seamlessly.
As for the men---they were slimy, which I thought was good because I don't like any of them in the Hollywood World anyway.
Overall, the story was strong enough, the costumes, choreography and visuals were all great but best of all the characters and performances were stellar. Nods to Ms. Hudon and Ms. Knowles for a job well done. Yeah, I see some Oscar worthy stuff there.
Spaghetti Dinner with long sips of Diet Coke
Another good review.Yes, I saw it too and enjoyed it, but why did YOU go see it when you have the central
coast's number one dream girl as your fiance.......?
hey there! so first off, I thought you would like Dreamgirls...it was pretty stinkin awesome! and 2nd I'm watching the Golden Globes and wondered if you were having some sort of themed party!!! I hope so, but if not make sure you take pics of your Oscar party! Catch ya later. Oh yea! Congrats on the fiance! super fun! :)
"Michael, I'm your woman!"
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