A delightful movie viewing pretty much makes for a delightful film. I really enjoyed this picture. It was a simple story, classic in government deception and conspiracy theories. The story was easy to follow and Mark Wahlberg's character was built up to be the hero among heros. I am becoming a Michael Pena fan, after Babel and Crash I've kept my eye on the guy. This film Pena had a chance to flex the goofy sidekick role. He did very well in this capacity. However, with exception to the two previously mentioned, I thought the casting in this flick was a little sub-par in a few areas. I understand the Angel's in the Outfield star, Danny Glover, is a good actor but just ehhh. I have this theory with his part. I think the casting director says, "I want Morgan Freeman." and they say, "We can't get him, he's too expensive. We'll go broke." So the casting director says "Get Danny Glover on the phone."
Nevertheless this was a great action flick which wasn't overwhelming. There were the classic shoot em down, blow it up, car chase moments, but somehow I felt it was balanced with thoughtfulness and tempo. It never was a debacle like Triple X or so totally ridiculous like the lovable, but very "yeah right," James Bond flicks.
So, Marky Mark does another great performance, solid action film with only a few annoying characters. One last comment on this movie--I hope I don't make this sound more negative than it is--but the musical score was stupid. It tried to be this Firefly BBM type of music which just didn't fit. It was a nice attempt and was good, but didn't do anything for me.
Nevertheless again, hooray for good movies in March---so unexpected.
Rice Cakes and Peanut butter with a big glass of Diet Coke
Good times of friendship renewal this weekend. Next time you come over to the Duchess I'm totally going to hide haha.
Good review, I agree with all points, except not quite with the opinion on the soundtrack. I agree the music itself wasn't all that great, but I did think the effect of having the music continue uninterrupted through different scenes kept the tempo of the movie quick and tense. (similar to the method in Batman Begins where the tense tempo continues through scenes, even in quiet conversational scenes.) It added an extra element of suspense.
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