Hum. The Battle Within. We'll get back to this statement in a momeent. As for the overall picture of this picture I have to say it was borderline Batman Forever (those of you who can't keep that franchise straight, it's the one with Carrey as the Riddler), and the most campy and over-the-top of all three of the movies.
I won't give away as much as my first grade little friend did after listening to a spoiler on the radio... But I have to say something about the ending of the movie-- totally predictable. Giant monster-esk creatures who don't read as well as your regular Goblins or Ocs.
The graphics were sweet in parts of the movie. I have never been a fan of the swinging Spiderman shots over NYC, but there was something better to this movie: SAND. It was kinda amazing. Gotta love the use of sand. I have a theory they looked at water when they were mimicking the movement of the sand.
Ok but the whole two, three, possibly four villains is just silly. You can have sub-characters who are jerk-a-ronies going, but please two villains is MORE than enough. Let's cut out the whole need to make it BIGGER than the last one. Let's just stick with the need for a good script which hooks movie goers, and big action scenes which hook in the big bucks.
The Battle Within was not a very good show. IT needed more depth to it. The whole struggle of wanting to be powerful could have been a movie on its own, but no... Let's pack it in there for the masses. Urg.
I have to say I sound totally negative on this--as negative as the critics on Mary Jane on Broadway, but still. I liked it ok. I would say don't rush for this one.
It was a let down. So I give it rice cakes, no peanut butter, and absolutely no Diet Coke.
I agree with you that it did feel rushed. However I feel that this film of the three captured what it is like to read a comic. The humor is geeky, aka campy, and the action is nonstop. Because as an artist action is more fun and displays your artfulness way better... I found it refreshing to see a serious movie franchise not take itself seriously. Does this make it better or for worse? Pure preference.
Yeah, a bit disappointed, to say the least. It kinda went around in circles, and had too many cheesy moments to be countered by cool graphics (although, yes, sand and venom were great graphics). I think now they should do a spin-off movie on Bernerd the Butler. He was great!
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