So first there was the whole excitement that it was Disney's Birthday today! Woot, woot! So we got to watch a special presentation by the Mayor of Main Street and heard this amazing All American Band play songs ranging from Earth, Wind and Fire to Dreamgirls all the way to the Mickey Mouse Club Theme Song. Loved it.
We also were fortunate enough to go on the NEW Nemo Submarine Ride. It was pretty cool despite the grumbling from the people in line. Honestly... it's a new ride, get over it.
We had a lovely time riding all of the rides together and visiting the sites... Sadly our car guns didn't seem to do the trick and our scores are significantly lower than usual. Humf. I thought married life would improve my score...
But best of all was seeing the characters at Disneyland. I know... Odd... But come on. We saw Linguini from Ratatouille, Cruella DeVil, and the Queen of New Orleans (if you haven't seen her before get your tail into New Orleans Square cause she is delightful).
The last thing we did was work on a secret gift for the Cass which will be presented to her either before or at the birth of her younger brother. Love it. suggestion for a name: Albus or Cedric. They are good.
Hooray for Hollywood, D Land, and your incredible blog- Loved the honeymoon pics and Harry and flick reviews too! You should start your own magazine or web site! Your bride looks marvelous.What's next?????
Ig you have fans of your blog??? Good stuff! You devil you getting the Cass geared up for Shamus? ( i vote Collin but daddy sullivan doesn't like it...) see you soon! enjoy the best month of your life!
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