If I could go anywhere in the world I would go to:

Euro-Disney! I heard from a reliable, former Disney employee that this castle was the shazam of all castles. Honestly. Imagine, being in the most romantic place on earth and the happiest place on earth all in one visit. Amazing.

Harry Potter Land. This land would be amazing to visit, well, just for the fact that I haven't ever been in a land filled with a bunch of Potteracs who love it as much as I do.

A five star hotel. Honestly who doesn't want to be taken care of and catered to? I know I'll be there.

A Jack's of Orcutt that sells fries. Yes, because of Fern, that no-good-lie-filled-total-scam-artist-who-hates-potatoes-waitress, I didn't get fries. And I still yearn for them.
Finally I would like to be in the Nest with the lovely, hot, and super delightful Fauf. There I said it.
Anything else you heard is a VICIOUS lie! Alas, some of you will mock me and my choices, but then again they are my choices. I could have said Italy, Fiji, Africa, the typical answers but what may I ask you would happen if I said I loved all those places? I would cease to be Ig.
All I can say is a High Five for Number 5- Yah!
I feel higly honored that you not only wrote a blog in response to may own, but you spelled my name with almost every vowel out there. That's just fun. And I appreciate your list. It's true, if you said Africa, I'd be convinced someone stole your blog. Love, Morgyn
I will follow you to all those places...except for maybe Potterland. Parker and I will hang out that day...
Those are good choices. Why did you leave out Yogurt Creations?
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