In other words it is time for: Michael's Least Favorite Things

I think they are stupid and annoying and I think the world would be a happier place without them. What person wants to eat these things?

I am sick of seeing it everywhere in Orcutt. It should stop soon or I'm going to move--Oh wait I live in Santa Maria where there is no graffiti. Who is responsible for these kids?
Britney Spears.
Quantum Physics.

It is the weirdest and silliest thing I have ever studied in my life. What goober created this stuff? This woman featured is either: a) A total looney b) A huge Con-Artist c) Under demonic oppression or d) All of the above. She believes she is the channel for Ramtha, this spirit thing... And because of this movie I saw she is NOW one of the 6 poster children for QPs. Don't even ask... I had to watch a video about her and her-like-minded quantum physicists for three hours once.
Small Bathtubs.

Honestly why even install a tub if it is going to be too small for a regular sized human to lay in. Who made these things?

What is this stuff? I don't even understand how it is made, nor do I understand why it has such a fowl odor. That is some rank bottle of yellow.
Public Restroom Toilet Paper.

Listen I know it isn't going to be 2-ply, but come on, at least it could come off in sheets, not little squares. What is this about?
There is just a taste into some of the things I thought about today. I hope you didn't enjoy this in the slightest.