So here is a list of Michael's Favorite Things... (well at least for right now)

In the Celebrity Category:
The Disney Celebrity Portrait Gallery is GROWING! Yes, I must admit this is my least favorite group as of yet, but I love the Pocahontas scene and the Peter Pan is pretty "genuine" looking.

In the News-Worthy Category:
Charla is back! I heard it straight from Morgen's blog! They will be re-running the original Charla Episodes!
Now for the Food Category:
Could anything top the list? I mean Diet Coke is the greatest drink since water.

Maybe I am just starving but don't Eggo Waffles with Log Cabin Syrup just make life better?

Now, Hershey has tried to bring in the cherry flavor, but we all know we trust in the Peanut Butter flavored Kisses most of all.

Next up Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough Ice Cream. Unchanged in like-ability since 1990.

Now to the Tech World Category:
I love Wireless. I can't say it enough. Still not sure where I get it from, but I love it.

The iPhone. I still don't have one, but I still marvel at its greatness every time we go to SLO. Lovely really.

Ok, here's a New Cateogory titled "Women Michael Likes."
Paker don't read this section for a few obvious reasons.
Duh. Farah is the tops in this category. So there she is!
Judy Blume is a children's author who always makes me laugh. Her books should be everywhere and she should get lots of awards. There it is.

Lucy is the greatest. Hands down, call your mama, and shut your face, cause no one will ever be at the same level as Lucy.

JK Rowling is awesome. As I try to think of great stories to pen, I am left wondering how a school teacher ever came up with such an amazing, epic, yet classic story.

Let's check the Entertainment Category:
Yup. Oscar. I just get all excited when February is rolling around. For all of you macho people and wanna be fans who look forward to the Superbowl, I say let's talk Oscar. Who cares if it's just a newscast... It's Oscar.

And finally for The Category of Places I Like to Be:
Boom. There it is. You know you love being a Crown Club Card Holder. And you know you love going to the movies like I do. So embrace it. Own it, and get some free popcorn while you're at it.

Smack. That's right I did it.. Target. You know it's the best, and right about now you were hoping I was Oprah so you would get a shopping spree to that Redland of Goodness.

I wish I had the money bags like Oprah to give you all these things, but I don't. So I suggest you save a wee bit of money or take a wee bit of time out of your schedule to try one of my favorite things out. I think you're going to love 'em too.
An epic favorites list Michael, to be sure. I think I'm going to have a Diet Coke in honor of it. Or maybe something stronger to numb the pain of Charla and Mirna returning... :)
ps...glad that ibook is up and running again. Cheers all around.
An awesome blog,welcome back
Let's add to the list baked spaghetti. Think you've had enough yet? Geez!
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