This is dedicated to Women Who Entertain Me
Classic Entertainers:

Ridiculous Entertainer:

Laugh out Loud Entertainers:

Gemini's Twin, Sount' and Visuals Entertainers:

Makes me Want to Change my Ethnicity Entertainer:

Makes me Want to Change my Profession Entertainer:

Horrible, only Michael Will Like Entertainer:

Least Understood Entertainer:

Entertainer I'd Consider Voting for:

Most Inspirational Entertainer:

Best Entertainer:

I agree, Elpheba most certainly is misunderstood. Not sure I agree with your presidential entertainer, but we can agree to disagree. As for Celine...we won't even discuss...
You definitely saved the best for last! A bit more lighting on the True Shaw Star would be appreciated
in upcoming award ceremonies.... Emmy Oscar
I'm thrilled to know that I not only made the list, but I made the list as Best Entertainer...and that picture of me looks like that's what I do for a living! (actually there is some truth in that! haha)
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