This Blog is dedicated to 2008, yes, that was a time of yesteryear. But it was also a time of important people. Therefore, this blog is dedicated to the men, women and minis who changed our--well my-- world.
First of all I would like to say that each and every one of you deserve an honorable mention here, but I only had time to give a few of you true shout outs and awards. If you are upset that you didn't make the list, well then, be a bigger part of my life this year.
Ahh, Miss Elphaba. She was a big part of this year. Responsible for me annoying my wife with the continual sounds of Broadway, but most of all she taught me everyone deserves a chance to fly.

His mind-grapes are crazy. And well... The picture says enough...

Oh. The Toey. He moved up here and brought his sister, mother and bugger along with him. Hooray for Toey and his toeiness.

Ahem. This picture was TAKEN by me, thank you very much. Whether she is trying to adopt a baby or giving fake awards to her staff, this Lemon isn't sour (though that pun was horrible).

Boo. She never made Washington all mavericky. Oh well, I gave her all the support I could muster up, I guess the Ahlgren's phone bullying outweighed my e-mailing. Here's to Granny Maverick.

Fierce. Well I guess I could talk about Rami and his draping (I'll save that for my last shout out though)

Oh, dearest Katie. How you have grown on us this year. Just stop selling crappy dream homes next to Target.

Hooray, not only did Parker lose the bet (yes, consider this your shout out), but she published a Harry Potterish book with proceeds going to charity. Nice work...

I suppose I should mention the B.O.

America? Muffin Top? Beautiful Me--I mean You? You bet.

Hands down... FUNNIEST man on TV. Period.

Oh, and just for old time's sake...