Today we received a phone call saying our loan is almost completed. We have a few things to do before it all is official, but it IS happening. So barring a disaster, and paired with prayer, we will be moving in the next week and a half. So here are some exterior pictures I took of the home about 1 month ago. Enjoy...

Keep up the prayer people! It is not over until we sign the papers, hold the keys and clean the carpets. :-)
Hooray! I'm glad things have been going well on it. We'll keep up the prayers, and can't wait to see it!
If you call it the manor or mansion or chatuea, i will not help you move.
What a beautiful home! Congratulations.
Sign those papers, get those keys, and have those carpets done! Its action time a-coming. How exciting!
Your new home looks great! I actually know where it is now, too! Ask Parker about that story... he won't let me forget about it...!
We're so close! I can almost smell the fresh paint, and feel the cold metal of keys in my hand! The end is near!
Bedraggled Fauf
You've made it. You did it. Congratulations!
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