FARAH... Right then. I know just where to put you... Better be... GRYFFINDOR! Yes, you are sharp. Your intellect is there, you could have done great things for Ravenclaw, but you have a brave soul. Courageous and nobel. Yes, Gryffindor is just the place for you.
MORGAN... A ripe mind, that's for sure... You'll do best in... RAVENCLAW! You're strong in the ways of knowledge and wit. Your thoughts bring you great power. Ravenclaw will be a fine choice for you.

JON... I think you read this, so I'll include you... Hum. A good mind, that's true. A bold character. But where to sort you? Ah. I see. It wins out.. You are... GRYFFINDOR! Your quiet leadership and righteous character put you in line to be a strong leader. Yes, you will be amazed at the joys of the Gryffindor world.
ANONYMOUS... Yes... I have just the place for you... Let's make it... SLYTHERIN! You are cunning and sly. You never let us know who you are. Your biggest strength is your anonymity. Slyterine will suit you well, just be sure to stay out of trouble.

PARKER... Ah. A tricky one... You are cunning... Quick witted... Kind... Daring... ... you uh... Haven't read Harry Potter yet? Better make it Slytherin! You are loyal to your friends, but also crafty. Picking your friends carefully will help you stay afloat this year at school.
KEVIN... Yes. A ripe mind. Ready to learn... You make this easy... RAVENCLAW! Open a book or press play on an iPod. Yes, your brains and smarts will lead you to the right conclusions. You will serve the house of Ravenclaw well. Assuming you can crack the code to get into the common room.
*REBECCA... Somehow you snuck out the back door or just apparated into the castle... Good, good. I have a great place for you... GRYFFINDOR! You are a brave, noble soul. Filled with a quest for adventure and excitement. You value others, you would have been a great Hufflepuff, but your bravery and strength win out. Great things await for you... GREAT things.
SUSIE... Yes... You... The girl from the North. I see... Many places you could go... Better make it HUFFLEPUFF! You are a friend to all and a kind soul. You don't judge those who are different, you embrace the lot. You'll do great things for your house.

(KATIE AND JASON... You are in Slytherin. You rarely read my blog. Everyone knows 9 out 10 Slytherins don't read my blog.)
LISA... Ahh... An interesting mind here. You have talent no doubt... Potential... But where to place you? I know, better make it... HUFFLEPUFF. Yes, you will do great things for the house. You are giving and friendly. You share kindness to all you meet. You will join the rest and do great things.

KYLE... Hum. Ah! Ahlgren... I know just where to place you... GRYFFINDOR! You are courageous and adventurous. You take the right path and persevere. You shall carry the name Gryffindor well.
MUM... You are a tough one. Yes, so many choices for you. Ah, I know just the place to put you... Join your daughters in HUFFLEPUFF! You'll do well there to chat and meet. Drink a cup of tea in the common rooms for me.
DAD... You are ... No doubt about it... GRYFFINDOR! You are bold and courageous. Willing to step up to the plate and take bat. Gryffindor will do well to have you on their team.
I am truly proud and honored to be in Ravenclaw, and will serve my House with great joy. But you never said which house YOU are in, sir...
Yes, which house suits you? I dare say Harry and friends want you near them forevermore.......... A Friend of Albus
Interesting, I will take HUFFLEPUFF gladly! However, I am concerned that you are taking the liberty to split Kyle and I up, in separate houses. A House divided will not stand. How dare you try this, may the wrath of the half blood prince be upon you....mmmmwoah ah ah ah! ;)
I highly approve of the Sorting Hat. Was wondering about Rebecca since Kevin got a placement. Long live Hogwarts!
Fauf of Gryffindor
Long Live The Fauf, wherever she is!!!! XXXOOO Friends of The Grangers... Delivered by Owl Svc.
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