Oy. Where to start.
1. Spiritual

I want to read the Old Testament as I am doing this read through the Bible backwards thing.
2. Romance

I want to surprise Farah with memories of our wonderful life together... More to come on this, but she reads my blog so I shouldn't say.
3. Friendship
I would like to reinstate some of the Shaw Parker Traditions of monthly Man-Dates. Now that he'll be married I think the timing is right.
4. Family

I want to continue my investment into the Doodle's lives by seeing them every Thursday afternoon and doing a project with the Cass.
5. Hobby

My wife has inspired me and I would like to send off my book for publishing. If nothing comes of it, I would like to try illustrating it and making a personal copy for myself.
6. Teaching and Career

I want to build up my credentials and explore some new certifications. Specifically I want to explore online teaching certifications.
7. Health and Wellness

I am going to give up one of my loves. Diet Coke. I will take myself off it through the aid of Sprite but by March I hope to be off Sprite too.
So there they are. When you see me you can ask how things are going... I'll tell you... And then you'll be glad you asked.