I thought I'd do it from Elaine Benes' perspective when she is with Peterman.

Night 1...
Main Street-
Walking down the streets of yesteryear you are sure to take in the total ambiance. The smell of popcorn popping, cookies baking, and fries frying. The bright red of the holly, the white of the snow, and the sounds of Enya "And Winter Came" echoing off the tinsel covered walls.

Night 2...
Imagine a vine covered path, hissing and cawing can be heard from all directions, its just you and your machete (well if you are Kyle)... But for me, it will be just me and a beautiful charcoal gray Cast Iron Skillet hand cast in the islands of Mitokana, made especially to cook over warm fires in the heart of the wilderness... Or to make Pizookie in the kitchen.

Night 4...
Watch ya'll's back! Ya never know when an Injun might creep up behind ya'll. Ya gotta be on yer guard when you're out here in the wild west. Especially when it comes to yer leather bound Italian pocketbook. So take the $20 gift into the Chumash and ya might walk out empty handed, or ya might end up striking oil!

Night 5...
As the world becomes smaller and quicker with the click of a button, the Shaws are going to jump into the 21 Century. Zipping into the future will be a breeze and will finally become a reality as the Shaws sign online and purchase the Internet via Charter or Comcast.

What's up next? Fantasyland, Toon Town, and California Adventure. More to come soon.
Pizookie- Serious Decadence!
i will be over tomorrow for pizookie!
jay peterman needs to hire you!
you guys are good at this gift giving thing...Lord bring me a hubby to gift give!!!
I stumbled across your blog. Wow you have been blogging a very long time congrats on hitting 700 and you have helped me think of a couple of christmas gifts.
Thanks for sharing
Tom Bailey
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