1. Spirit-

I am reading through the OT right now. I am currently in Exodus, though I hope to be finished with it soon. So far, so good. Though I really am bugged by most (almost ALL) of the people in Genesis. They were pea-brained!
2. Romance-

I have successfully sent the Fauf her little love notes each week (Well, one near miss when the mailman/woman absconded with her letter). I am enjoying this process greatly.
3. Bromance-

I met with Parker for a man-date this month. All is good with Parker. I am happy to report our bromance is still going strong.
4. Family Doodle Time-
I have spent my Thursday afternoons seeing the Doodles this month, this week I had to re-schedule and meet them over the weekend, but fun times are being had by all. We made frogs last week, Cass really got into this one!
5. Hobby-

I told you I submitted a short story to a few publishers. Well, rejections have been pouring in. But I actually like it. It makes me feel like things are happening. Yesterday a letter came from New York, I could have sworn it said, "We read it with interest, the manuscript seems quite right for our list. We appreciate the opportunity to consider the project, however." I did a double-take at the word "however" and then read back to find there was the word "doesn't" in-between the words manuscript. But I still enjoy the fact that I am getting mail and trying.
6. Teaching and Career-

I am very excited to report I have had two guest speaking jobs this past month. One at Hancock and one at Brandman (formally Chapman). I am looking to build up the guest speaking part of my resumé. Especially since the union keeps threatening to make us join their seniority list. I like the union people, I just think they may find a way to get our jobs. In February I hope to do my online training.
7. Health and Misery-

Two good things happened this month... well 3-ish. Number One- I am only drinking Sprite on the weekends. Number Two- I am eating a salad at least three times a week. All in all, I am rumored to be getting healthier, but I still have my doubts. Number Three-ish- I went to the doctor, and had an ultrasound to check my insides, both came out saying I was doing OK.
Anyway, that's me one month into 2010. Here's to the shortest month getting its butt kicked by my resolutions.
Moses and Michael- have a great February! We really
enjoy your sketchings.
Oh the Anonymous Blogger returns!
And its not me! But I hear that guys awesome...
PS: which one of the musicians am I? the one carrying the head or the other guy?
Congratulations to the world famous valley roomies
who have both now found much better long-term
room mates, who are much more attractive.
This is Farah Shaw and I approve this blog, It's true he's been keeping these resolutions!
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