1. Spiritual
Ok... I admit it. I am about 2 weeks behind in my little year long study. But that's because.... Well... No excuse. Just because. But I plan to get back on track in this INSANELY busy month of March. We'll see. Leviticus will be finished up by the start of next week.
2. Romance
I have enjoyed sending cards to Le Fauf. She thinks I will run out of things to say to her! How is that possible? She is amazing. I couldn't possibly run out...
3. Friendship

The Parker y Shaw Man-Dates are going strong. We just had our first date of the month Tuesday night at Patricio's Pizza in Orcutt (sigh). It was delightful.
4. Family

Other than Katie's imitation of Lucille 2, I have meet with the Cass each week. The best one was last week when we made out little game board. It was a lot of fun.
5. Hobby

I have been brainstorming a lot about my pictures and have looked into a few illustrators' works I admire. I am trying to find the right style and start penning some masterpieces here. I am also letting a few people in on my blog so as to build up some fans of my silly sketches...
6. Teaching and Career

Well, I prayed about it, put it out there... And wah lah. I was asked to teach more classes at Hancock. Not only did I gain my online training to run Blackboard Classes, but I also will be teaching a blackboard class AND a technology for educators class in the Summer. I will be busy, but I am glad to do it.
7. Health and Yuckiness

I guess I am more healthy. I think I have less of a gut now (though I have a pretty good paunch). Sprite has become a luxury and not a necessity. I am still enjoying salads and I have this past two weeks incorporated an additional two fruits a week into my diet. In addition I have been on my stomach meds for one whole month and I am much... much... better. I am on the up and up... This month Farah and I planned to walk more. So we'll see if it happens. We have to get ready for London!
So here we are. Three months in and I'm still going strong...
Moses and Aaron in Leviticus sure have a whole lot of regulations and numbers given to them... Thanks for your precise 7, which are hard enough to follow!
ummm #4 how about "made our"gameboard) by the way, we enjoyed playing it at our sleepover
Glad you're still going strong with your grueling schedule and non-stop activities! Wow. How do you do it? Has Farah been spiking your mac and cheese?
I'm looking forward to seeing you but keep your distance as I am getting over a bad cold.
Good job IG - way to stick to your commitments!
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