Some may dream of being on the beaches of Hawaii, whereas I dream of England where tea is plentiful, fog comes rolling in, and it is acceptable for little men to run around in bowler hats in the middle of Summer.
This is quite possibly my favorite of the author doodles I have done. Though I have to say, he is quite possibly one of my least favorite authors. Alas, balance has come to the blog...
"poe" marker on computer paper on the sofa, laughing at this guy
And here's an FYI--our computer cord just started sparking! So there is a good chance the doodles will stop since there is limited battery life here. BOO HOO!
This will start a series of author portraits I have been doing in response to all the reading I've been doing. As you may know, I have been selected to teach English at the High School. So here are some of the crazy authors I have been reading (trust me when I say they are all eccentric and oddballs).
"capote" and "clarke" marker on computer paper on the sofa
Well, summer is almost here and I will need to stock up on some doodles. So if there are any souls out there who would like to have a doodle making party I would love to meet you. I will need about two or three hours to create some doodles for the coming weeks. Location pending--Starbucks, the Manor, your place. Let me know...