Things I'll miss about the school year:
1. Absurd high school trends including: Rebecca Black Hating, Nyan Cat music, and Fail Pages
2. Mostly-intellectual discussions on literature
3. Thursday mornings (they were the best)
4. Listening to the morning talk radio
5. My classroom... I forgot to take a picture of it this year, and sadly I was forced out. We'll see if I remember next year!
Things I'm excited about for the summer:
1. Sleeping in
2. Playing games (I am on a chess kick right now--though the computer is kicking my butt)
3. Bike rides in the morning (I went on a short one this morning)
4. Giraffes (I guess).
Sigh. I love a good summer.
I lost 27 games to the old computer and only drew once last year. So I quit and started betting longshot horses again at Hollywood Park... Result : Not much better
Dad. P.S. Keep up the bike riding and walks, but stay away from the giraffes.
I love having you home. You make life more fun, and if I'm honest I have to say it makes my life easier and allows me to sleep longer and take longer showers! love you
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