(Eek! I love this little Future President of America! And if he is going to be President, we'll have to provide him with an enriched, cultured childhood--well, mostly.)
So here is a list of places I want to take Westly:

Age 1- Disneyland (In fact, just put this one on every year following. Let's pray Mimi can keep going strong so we can visit the Kingdom often--and freely.)

Age 3- San Diego Zoo and Sea World (Lions, Tigers and Shamu, OH MY! I think Westly will laugh at the monkeys.)

Age 4- Lego Land (A Land made out of Legos!? Four Year Olds!? Perfect... Ignore the creepy kid in the photo.)

Age 5- The Grand Canyon (This is something I don't care about, but it is big, and little Kindergarteners like big things, so this one gets a Kindergarten stamp of approval.)

Age 6- Sacramento (We'll be studying the state government and all that jazz, so it makes perfect sense. I remember first seeing the Capitol and being shocked that it really existed.)

Age 7- Disneyworld (This is a given. Seven year olds can really take in the magic. It will be epic. Sorry for the other Shaw babies who may make their debut, that's the privilege of being a first-born you get to really enjoy it while the others drool and look around aimlessly.)

Age 8- The Oregon Trail, I've always wanted to go on this trail (We'll study it and find the game to play, and Grandpa Shaw will tell him stories about the trail. He'll be dying to go there.)

Age 9- Dollywood (Who doesn't want to go there!? I'm sure Westly will be a big Dolly fan by age 9. If not, we'll visit Mt. Rushmore.)

Age 10- A driving tour of the East Coast, with a lot of touring around the Washington DC area (Time to get an education of our country. After-all, we will be studying the American Revolution, so it is fitting that we tour places like Gettysburg, Williamsburg, and all the other Burgs. Oh and Harry Potter World--he'll be a huge fan by then.)
Age 11- Hawaii (Can't you just picture Westly going to a luau? All the hula girls will think he is so cute with his little dimples. Plus we can visit where Obama was born so he can get that whole 'Modern Day President' vibe.)

Age 12- Cruise (By this time he'll be old enough to watch the other little Shaws who will enter the world... Sorry, West, but if you get all these free trips you'll have to pay it off on this one while Mommy and Daddy go explore the ship. We'll let you play at all of the ports.)

Age 13- New York, NY (To be a 13 year old in NYC would be awesome--scary, but awesome)

Age 14- London, England (Back to the roots and maybe Wills and Kate will have had a baby girl. By this time the royal heir will be 12 or 13, so by then Westly will be at the right age to start courting her.)

Age 15- Roma, Italy and Paris, France (Now that he's explored his roots, and probably been denied by the Princess, he can go fall in love with a hot Italian or French girl. Maybe that's weird for me to say, after-all I am 44 at this point.)

Age 16- Australia (I think I'll need to force him to become a surfer so he can surf with a wallaby.)
Age 17-20- And now we enter the mystery years where Westly will assert his independence and go off with his friends to odd places like Brazil, Madagascar, China and Los Angeles.)

Age 21- Vegas (This is when I'll have my mid-life crisis--AKK! I'll be 50!--And he'll start gambling away his inheritance on the ponies.)
Sigh. This is what every kid running for president in 2036 will need to have done. So, I better start saving...
Did I miss anything?
Well, you certainly have big plans for Westly's vacation times. I hope you can manage to do at least some of it with him (and his prospective brothers and sisters).
Holy Moly... What a list and what fun ideas... Love to
you all. Dad
Ig you cannot miss that one.
I laughed out loud thru the whole post!
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