At home, on my nightstand to be precise, I have a huge stack of books to read… I laugh at the tower of terror every night as it looks back at my tired eyelids as they close in exhaustion after a long day’s work. Today, while teaching my class about allegory and literary allusions one of my kids started clicking and WAH LAH! He discovered a sequel to one of my faves! There goes another book on the list! At any rate, here is a list of some of the books I want to read/re-read this year:

There it is. I am pretty excited to read them, but I am pretty sure I need some weekends so I can dig into these books.
I love that stack of books on your nightstand. Even if you don't get to them, leave them there. They inspire me to read more! Love you
If all those books are in one stack, put them in two...
then you'll have your own Twin Towers. Good luck!
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