OK. This one comes after some good conversation with Andrew about the multicultural representation on the Gold Force Team, and the hotness on the big screen: Storm. Otherwise known as Ororo Munroe.

So, as far as my memory goes the story of Storm starts in Africa. Her parents/mother were/was killed and Ororo was trapped in a cave in of some building (yeah, I can't really recall all of the details). Nevertheless, she was freaked out, her parents died, and she became clatrophobic.
After that Strom lived in Cairo, Egypt where she was trained to be a thief, stealing from everyone as a child. Why a thief? Eh, probably just to give her a back story. Rumor has it she also tried to steal something from Xavier but she didn't succeed because of his psychic/telepathic blocks.
After some time she moved down south to Kenya to the villages where she was originally from. There she was worshiped as a goddess. She was really hardcore, and I believe she massacred a village at some time. Xavier heard about her, or sensed her, and brought her over to the X-Men. She was later appointed the leader of the Gold Force when the X-Men split in two. She also has had some love story lines with Forge and even Beast.

She's a tight character because she is in touch with the planet and her abilities (or is it powers Parker?) while limited, seem practical yet are extremely powerful. So, cheers to you Storm.
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