Here she is! The cutest little girl ever! Love the Cass!

Here I am, trying to look hardcore. I look angry.

The K-man Checking out world through the lens.

Nikkers! She's totally trying to do a MySpace pose.

The birthday girl gearing up to get her first birthday cake!

Kyle and Li practice their parenting skills by taking care of the Roll. (No she's not pregnant!)

So who do you think looks most like Cass? Compare the pictures of her uncles, aunts, and parents and you decide who looks most like the Cass.
I'll tell you all soon who was voted most like her...

My gift to the Cass! She loves the gift of literacy!
Overall the day was amzingly lovely and tons of fun. We played a game or two and ate some food, and watched the Cass. Today, I sit here and ponder the likelihood of the Mountain. I still need thinking time.
Ok.... Shaw, out.
WOW! She has totally grown up, but she is still cute as ever. Love the Cass!
are you kidding we are two peas in a pod...one vote for auntie susie!!! hip hip hurray
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