Wednesday, June 27, 2007
The Nest
Here is your first look at the Nest. Yes, it is still in ned of some changes (eww the sofa doesn't go, and yes we know the cabinets are ugly) but it's a good start. We regret to inform our readers the upstairs is currently unviewable, due to a COSTCO malfunction. Boo! Hiss!

Viva Las Vegas
Here were the players: Michael "The Bachelor," Kyle "The Man," Jon "The Eye," Parker "Moneybags." and Austen "The Urban Cowboy." We set sail in a then-clean 2006 Toyota Carola from SM to LA to LV.

Look on the moving walkway! It's a bird! It's a plane! No it's just Kyle.

"Why isn't this fountain show starting? Oh it's, like, 1 am."

Austen! Get your hand off of me!!!

The Eye of Ky

Jon's amazing Eye on Paris

Two thoughts "A" "mazing"

Blue Man! You slay me!

Kyle and Parker role hard with their girlie drinks.

"Celine. I want to be you!"

Oh dear. Celine!!!

Parker scares me! Ahh! Parker, don't ruin my weekend!

The New Gatorade Ad. This is a wacky fountain in front of Planet Hollywood. I'm just saying Jon's ability to capture the moment with a little help from the Eye of Ky.

Parker likes this look.

So aparently it is not a good idea to leave a soda in the car when it is 110 degreees outside. The evidence.

Jon and Kyle on the edge of the world--otherwise known as the Stratosphere Insane Teeter-Totter Ride.

My Winnings from the Penny Slots, Kyle's Winnings from Roulette.

"What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas--your money."

Well for about three days now I have been attempting to load some photos of the weekend on to here. Now it is finally happening I will just let the pictures speak for themselves... Enjoy...
Look on the moving walkway! It's a bird! It's a plane! No it's just Kyle.

"Why isn't this fountain show starting? Oh it's, like, 1 am."

Austen! Get your hand off of me!!!

The Eye of Ky

Jon's amazing Eye on Paris

Two thoughts "A" "mazing"

Blue Man! You slay me!

Kyle and Parker role hard with their girlie drinks.

"Celine. I want to be you!"

Oh dear. Celine!!!

Parker scares me! Ahh! Parker, don't ruin my weekend!

The New Gatorade Ad. This is a wacky fountain in front of Planet Hollywood. I'm just saying Jon's ability to capture the moment with a little help from the Eye of Ky.

Parker likes this look.

So aparently it is not a good idea to leave a soda in the car when it is 110 degreees outside. The evidence.

Jon and Kyle on the edge of the world--otherwise known as the Stratosphere Insane Teeter-Totter Ride.

My Winnings from the Penny Slots, Kyle's Winnings from Roulette.

"What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas--your money."

Well for about three days now I have been attempting to load some photos of the weekend on to here. Now it is finally happening I will just let the pictures speak for themselves... Enjoy...
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Name Change
I know what you're thinking. I'm going to talk about Farah and her changing her name... Well... No. You're wrong.
I've decided to change the name of the awards show to the Iggy Awards. So there it is. Deal with it.
Also just for my records on June 18, 2007, I got a good phone call about my life. More to come of that for the blogging community later.
I've decided to change the name of the awards show to the Iggy Awards. So there it is. Deal with it.
Also just for my records on June 18, 2007, I got a good phone call about my life. More to come of that for the blogging community later.
Monday, June 18, 2007
The Mikey Awards
Just under a year ago I decided it was a good idea to have an awards show for my friends and the amazing things they do. A year ago I came to the conclusion it is nearly impossible to say because who is the best because everyone has a unique quality, but I think for the following categories I may be able say a definitive statement. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the 2007 SHAW AWARDS, more commonly known as The Mikey's:
Best Laugh/Voice Over:
The Constipated Gnome...
Jennifer and her shrills...
The Firefighter at the Movies and his guffaw...
The Zizzah Zizzah voice who sounds like Bill Cosby on Crack...
Doug Swenson's Sunday School Accent...
Most Random Friend Habits:
Parker and his phone messages...
Parker and his regular schedule (believe me this is a random occasion for ParkMan)
Jon and Morgan riding around Santa Maria in two vehicles at the same time, going to the same place...
Austen and his work schedule...
Mike and his text messages...
Best Overall Look:
All other nominees have been sacked.
Best Illusionist:
Kaleb the Disappearing Magician...
The pictures on the wall of my house... Suddenly they just appeared!
My picture of Harry Potter in his invisiblity cloak...
Best Upgrade:
Michael working at Ralph Dunlap...
Parker talking to a girl...
Team Whitney's new look...
The Nest (as opposed to the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchess)...
Biggest Shock:
No replacement for Stew yet...
Michael shopped at the Grocery Outlet...
Michael doesn't have a job this summer...
We're getting married in less than 20 days...
Best Burrow Moment...
The Yule Ball 2006...
The Burrow Bachelor Party...
The DVD of the Burrow Bachelor Party...
Adding Josh to the Burrow...
Best Traveling Adventurer:
Lisa and Kyle going to Europe...
Michael and Farah going on a Honeymoon up north...
Lowie being in Santa Maria this week...
Saus braving the 101 to come to SM, happening upon Parker...
Michael and Parker digging up the time capsule..
Best Use of Time Consuming Activities:
Farah sunning outside in... cough cough... a tube top..
Parker sitting watching me work...
Michael watching all 4 Harry Potters in less than 24 hours...
Best Sister Catch Phrase:
Lisa waving her finger around telling people, "I'm just saying!"...
Susie saying, "Ig!"...
Kaite saying, "Subbppa subbppa subbbppa, Michael!"...
"Poach off the mooch..."
Best Staff Moment:
Praise God! No more staff! Sorry, I loved you all, it's just easier...
Oh wait there is RD Staff:
Mrs. Lewis asking to see the "Sex Book" and chapter titles...
The guy teacher saying "Yeah. That's really great." wearing his package sweatpants...
Donna painting a portrait of the 4 amigos for 07-07-07...
Miles and his Salsa...
Best Kid Phrases:
"Mr. Shhhhhhaaaawwww (blushing). I don't know."
"It's just doesn't make any sense."
"Double Zero! Triple Zero!"
"Ok, how about 19 laps?"
Best Teacher Shout Out During a Class Session:
"Are you going to finish?"
"Did Michael fall off the edge of the earth?"
"Take the job and shut the door."
"People are definitely going to hate you. Most of them will. But we like you."
Best Person to Sit by in a Class:
Kelli Bornhoft since the first grade...
(there are no other nominees in this category)
Best Way to Talk to Reference Me...
Michael Shaw...
Mr. Shaw...
You @#$&@#! (Parker knows that one)...
Best phrase from a groomsman...
"Your FANCY wedding"...
"Oh dear, Michael."
"Are you knockin' boots?"
So if you would like to vote, you may. If not, I will just arbitrarily decide which is the most significant. Please place all votes in the way of comments... You don't need to vote for every category, but it would be nice if you did. I suggest the copy and paste method.
Best wishes to the Nominees. Results will be tallied and totaled soon...
Best Laugh/Voice Over:
The Constipated Gnome...
Jennifer and her shrills...
The Firefighter at the Movies and his guffaw...
The Zizzah Zizzah voice who sounds like Bill Cosby on Crack...
Doug Swenson's Sunday School Accent...
Most Random Friend Habits:
Parker and his phone messages...
Parker and his regular schedule (believe me this is a random occasion for ParkMan)
Jon and Morgan riding around Santa Maria in two vehicles at the same time, going to the same place...
Austen and his work schedule...
Mike and his text messages...
Best Overall Look:
All other nominees have been sacked.
Best Illusionist:
Kaleb the Disappearing Magician...
The pictures on the wall of my house... Suddenly they just appeared!
My picture of Harry Potter in his invisiblity cloak...
Best Upgrade:
Michael working at Ralph Dunlap...
Parker talking to a girl...
Team Whitney's new look...
The Nest (as opposed to the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchess)...
Biggest Shock:
No replacement for Stew yet...
Michael shopped at the Grocery Outlet...
Michael doesn't have a job this summer...
We're getting married in less than 20 days...
Best Burrow Moment...
The Yule Ball 2006...
The Burrow Bachelor Party...
The DVD of the Burrow Bachelor Party...
Adding Josh to the Burrow...
Best Traveling Adventurer:
Lisa and Kyle going to Europe...
Michael and Farah going on a Honeymoon up north...
Lowie being in Santa Maria this week...
Saus braving the 101 to come to SM, happening upon Parker...
Michael and Parker digging up the time capsule..
Best Use of Time Consuming Activities:
Farah sunning outside in... cough cough... a tube top..
Parker sitting watching me work...
Michael watching all 4 Harry Potters in less than 24 hours...
Best Sister Catch Phrase:
Lisa waving her finger around telling people, "I'm just saying!"...
Susie saying, "Ig!"...
Kaite saying, "Subbppa subbppa subbbppa, Michael!"...
"Poach off the mooch..."
Best Staff Moment:
Praise God! No more staff! Sorry, I loved you all, it's just easier...
Oh wait there is RD Staff:
Mrs. Lewis asking to see the "Sex Book" and chapter titles...
The guy teacher saying "Yeah. That's really great." wearing his package sweatpants...
Donna painting a portrait of the 4 amigos for 07-07-07...
Miles and his Salsa...
Best Kid Phrases:
"Mr. Shhhhhhaaaawwww (blushing). I don't know."
"It's just doesn't make any sense."
"Double Zero! Triple Zero!"
"Ok, how about 19 laps?"
Best Teacher Shout Out During a Class Session:
"Are you going to finish?"
"Did Michael fall off the edge of the earth?"
"Take the job and shut the door."
"People are definitely going to hate you. Most of them will. But we like you."
Best Person to Sit by in a Class:
Kelli Bornhoft since the first grade...
(there are no other nominees in this category)
Best Way to Talk to Reference Me...
Michael Shaw...
Mr. Shaw...
You @#$&@#! (Parker knows that one)...
Best phrase from a groomsman...
"Your FANCY wedding"...
"Oh dear, Michael."
"Are you knockin' boots?"
So if you would like to vote, you may. If not, I will just arbitrarily decide which is the most significant. Please place all votes in the way of comments... You don't need to vote for every category, but it would be nice if you did. I suggest the copy and paste method.
Best wishes to the Nominees. Results will be tallied and totaled soon...
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Post 500
Wow. I made it to 500 blogs today. I was trying to think of something good to write for this blog so here it goes. Michael's Top 10 things he is bothered by today, and 10 things that made me delighted today. The exciting part about this blog will be you're mental investment into the blog. See you'll need to decide which one delights me and which one aggravates me. Let the games begin.
10. The Burrow Bachelor Party. (video to come soon)
10. The empty Love Sac.
9. My new full guest room.
9. My new sorted living room.
8. Jersey accents.
8. Texas accent.
7. Not having a sale at Michael's when for a week and a half they said they would.
7. Watching all 4 Harry Potters in less than 24 hours.
6. Sneezing all day and then suddenly stopping at 8:00pm.
6. Calling underwear "unmentionables."
5. People who black out somewhat dirty phrases with a marker without telling the owner of the game.
5. Playing a game with people who try to read through the black marker.
4. Harry Potter.
4. Hairy Chests.
3. The word knickers.
3. Underwear.
2. The cinematography in HP3
2. The cinematography in HP4
1. Borrowing the Internet from a neighbor.
1. Borrowing beans from a neighbor.
There she is. My blog is 500.
Long Live the blog.
10. The Burrow Bachelor Party. (video to come soon)
10. The empty Love Sac.
9. My new full guest room.
9. My new sorted living room.
8. Jersey accents.
8. Texas accent.
7. Not having a sale at Michael's when for a week and a half they said they would.
7. Watching all 4 Harry Potters in less than 24 hours.
6. Sneezing all day and then suddenly stopping at 8:00pm.
6. Calling underwear "unmentionables."
5. People who black out somewhat dirty phrases with a marker without telling the owner of the game.
5. Playing a game with people who try to read through the black marker.
4. Harry Potter.
4. Hairy Chests.
3. The word knickers.
3. Underwear.
2. The cinematography in HP3
2. The cinematography in HP4
1. Borrowing the Internet from a neighbor.
1. Borrowing beans from a neighbor.
There she is. My blog is 500.
Long Live the blog.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Oops... Hello June!
Well let me just put it this way... I didn't even realize it is June already! I can't believe how quick these things go by. Oh well, well here's the story, I saw Ocean's 13 and I liked it. Here comes the review:

So I never really LOVED the Ocean's series, yes I liked them, but they always had this slow flow to them. But I was surprisingly happy to find that Ocean's 13 was a little peppier than the previous two. You really can't go terribly wrong when you have three pretty awesome actors as the three "heroes" or are they villains? Clooney, Pitt, and Damon. Gotta love it.
I have to say the two brothers kind of rocked. I loved the stupid Mexican Revolution portion of the show. Silly, silly, and at times laugh out loud funny.
In all honesty I'm running late to work so I'll leave it on these thoughts: Good movie, easy to follow, and interesting story.

So I never really LOVED the Ocean's series, yes I liked them, but they always had this slow flow to them. But I was surprisingly happy to find that Ocean's 13 was a little peppier than the previous two. You really can't go terribly wrong when you have three pretty awesome actors as the three "heroes" or are they villains? Clooney, Pitt, and Damon. Gotta love it.
I have to say the two brothers kind of rocked. I loved the stupid Mexican Revolution portion of the show. Silly, silly, and at times laugh out loud funny.
In all honesty I'm running late to work so I'll leave it on these thoughts: Good movie, easy to follow, and interesting story.
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