Look on the moving walkway! It's a bird! It's a plane! No it's just Kyle.

"Why isn't this fountain show starting? Oh it's, like, 1 am."

Austen! Get your hand off of me!!!

The Eye of Ky

Jon's amazing Eye on Paris

Two thoughts "A" "mazing"

Blue Man! You slay me!

Kyle and Parker role hard with their girlie drinks.

"Celine. I want to be you!"

Oh dear. Celine!!!

Parker scares me! Ahh! Parker, don't ruin my weekend!

The New Gatorade Ad. This is a wacky fountain in front of Planet Hollywood. I'm just saying Jon's ability to capture the moment with a little help from the Eye of Ky.

Parker likes this look.

So aparently it is not a good idea to leave a soda in the car when it is 110 degreees outside. The evidence.

Jon and Kyle on the edge of the world--otherwise known as the Stratosphere Insane Teeter-Totter Ride.

My Winnings from the Penny Slots, Kyle's Winnings from Roulette.

"What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas--your money."

Well for about three days now I have been attempting to load some photos of the weekend on to here. Now it is finally happening I will just let the pictures speak for themselves... Enjoy...
That blog definitely put a smile on my face!
Finalamente!! Those were bitchin shots (I know kinds 80s term but it works.) Ig note the glare on your glasses...wed
ding only one week away there's till time. I know I know, stay out of it. LOVE YOU! Hurray for wedding ahead
I vote myself as the most "super" of the vegas trip.
Super Girly for consuming the most girly drinks, Super Hero for having the ability to fly (hey, so what if there's a people mover thingy in the near vicinity) and Super Manly for having the best overall facial hair (if you took Austin's concentrated and stylish hairs and spread them out all over his face, you'd basically have what I had and besides, I have tattoos and more chest hair). Mwoahahahahahaha!!!!!!
Amazing shots...kind of, well, very entertaining!
Glad you boys had fun, Love, Lis
Amazing shots...kind of, well, very entertaining!
Glad you boys had fun, Love, Lis
Wow. Highlights of this blog: Parker drinking a beer, exploded soda, Jon on that insanity of a ride, and you looking up Celine's skirt.
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