So I never really LOVED the Ocean's series, yes I liked them, but they always had this slow flow to them. But I was surprisingly happy to find that Ocean's 13 was a little peppier than the previous two. You really can't go terribly wrong when you have three pretty awesome actors as the three "heroes" or are they villains? Clooney, Pitt, and Damon. Gotta love it.
I have to say the two brothers kind of rocked. I loved the stupid Mexican Revolution portion of the show. Silly, silly, and at times laugh out loud funny.
In all honesty I'm running late to work so I'll leave it on these thoughts: Good movie, easy to follow, and interesting story.
VIVA Mexico! Good laughs there and an overall grade of two tacos and one small pack of salsa for the rest of the show....Adios til Harry returns-
I made Farah tell me about the Ocean movies to keep each other awake on the way home from D-Land last night. Good times.
I agree...great movie. Very classy/snazzy. And I agree with another review I read that George Clooney is very Cary Grant in this film. Reason enough to see it!
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