The first sketch I did is all about our connections to each other in the world—every little drawing shows how hyper connected we are. It all started with the sketch in the top left hand corner (hard to see on here, but it is an inch by an inch of a basket weave.

I wanted to go back and try my Matisse-esk painting again. The last one I did was The Fall of Man. This one is about idols. Not American Idol, mind you, but those graven images kind of idols. I think it is really weird looking. There’s a whole meaning to each shape, well, almost all shapes. I’m not totally sure I am finished with it, but I suppose it will do for now.

The last one I did was this sketch on American Standards. I sketched this one in Starbucks on Betteravia, which I may add is a really boring place to get inspiration. I made the sketch reflect the notion that media has created standards for beauty and we follow along. I know it may look like a Green sketch, but it isn’t. All of the eco-friendly bits are not about the environment.

I don’t know if others share these perceptions, but there you go that’s my Spring Break art.
(play the CBS Evening News Music)
Good News has come to the Santa Maria Valley! This just in: The Sullivans are MOVING to Santa Maria! And here’s part two which makes the news even better: They are planning on moving before Summer! I now present the best summer preview of all: SUMMER WITH THE SULLIVANS.
Just think of all the benefits:
The IQ of the Central Coast general population will increase as Jason returns with his bulky brain.
The vocal and musical abilities of the Central Coast will improve exponentially. Not only will they bring their abilities to the Coast, they may even teach others.
Uncle Ig and Auntie Fauf will become common phrases heard around town.
And then there is the future. Somewhere in the future we can also look forward to:
Cass in the Orcutt School District. The legend will possibly even be in my class when she’s old enough! Honestly, she’ll get all E’s and A’s in my class, just because she is so cute and has good blood.
Katie will lead some memory seminars for the Central Coast. Come on she has a great memory.
The Sullivans will be able to be supporters when the Nesting Shaws have children.
Fauf and I are extremely happy and can hardly wait for Summer to arrive! Good Timese USA!
The Matisse should be framed-loved it...the sullivans will definitely make the valley more rich and exciting, and full credits to the nesting shaws for their continued support and spirit... hurry spring..come on summer!
ummm this is insanely exciting and the SoCal Shaws/Ahlgrens are giddy at the weekend road trip prospects!!!! now auntie sue will find a way to swindle her name into the daily vocab to keep local santa mariaers aware that she was the first Shaw int he hood!
oh i'm giddy!!! and jealous let's be honest. tra la la do i foresee a day when all the shaws will be reunited on the lovely central coast with egg hunts, waller park days, sunday drives, and night light drivesin mini-vans??? to be continued....
Sounds like a very exciting plan...Bring it on!
How badly is Parker hating life right now? I mean seriously...
Answer: A lot.
Im excited for you . im glad that part of your family is moving back ..thats the best. I wish I could see your drawings better. I couldnt really make out what they were. My eyes suck though. Love the painting though. so artistic. oh yeah, was it just me or did I see you driving down my street the other day? Im assuming you were picking up parker because I saw him on the side of the road as I was driving. anyway, take care.
Wow! More Sullivans and Shaws in the hood! No wonder Mr. Parker is looking so glum... his workload out the streets just quadrupled and his peace and quiet has been totally destroyed...could an immediate transfer or even early retirement be imminent?
NEVER! We"re looking at a future Police Chief!!!
WOW! We are really loved and really hated! Is this what it is like to be famous?
(Anonymous Sullivan)
Please return,oh great blogger-its not the same without you and your postings .XXXXXXI Out In The Cold In Cyberspace
O brother where art thou????
hurry!! bored.
no update in all of April, how lonely
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