We just came back from our first Spring Break together in Monterey. We stayed at a squished little hotel in Monterey next to the Del Monte Shopping Center (which is kind of great). And then we toured the city as well as went to the Aquarium (A note to the readers- we have year passes to the Aquarium and we love the jellies there).

We went to Boomers, baby. It was a really intense game, seeing Fauf is my best competition, however in the end I did pull out on top (A note to readers- I only won by one stroke both games).

Prior to this engagement we enjoyed our first trip to Oso Flaco. That was a great walk, filled with good conversation and loved ones (A note to the readers- Parker and Lowie were with us).

Even before this great experience we had the opportunity to go to The Great American Melodrama. (A note to the reader- while this is normally a great experience for all, this quarter's show is not worth the sawdust floors).

And lastly I would like to bring the new news into perspective. Did anyone else hear that Angelina Jolie is related to Hillary? And Brad Pitt is related to Barack? I'm just saying (A note to the reader- this is a scary picture).

Enjoy the newness of Spring People.
This spring is really full of surprises!
I have to say. I do love your blogs. Except I fear that I will now have horrible nightmares of Barack and hillary. thanks alot.
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