Now, looking at this picture do you think you could have predicted my future? I doubt it, but maybe someone did. Look below at this list of characteristics that are said to describe me and let me know if they truly describe me. I know... This is all very cryptic.
2. … Great sense of fun and wit—humorous.
3. Will radiate enormous energy—have great influence over others when grown up.
4. Very creative—forceful and dominant.
5. May be interested in Politics later and government things.
6. Observant –critical. & determined
7. Yet courteous - & helpful to people of all walks of life
8. Sensitive & easily hurt – by neglect but never bear angry thoughts for long.
9. Do well in Big Schemes – architect-engineer- builiding organized in design
10. Also- ability in DRAMA. & Literature, & Lecturing on Special Subjects will make a lot of money but extravagant type.
11. Delicate in health. Sometimes up to age of 21 –or during childhood so—special diet-- & keep warm (these modern times – this Influenza may not apply of course!! So diet (unreadable)!!
12. A Strong –personality – always laughing -- full of fun & life & soul of the Party Type.
The numbering is from a list that was provided to me years ago--I took out numbers 1, 13 and 14 for sake of sanity. What do you think? Does this describe me? Thoughts?
Let me look at the letter. I know the word was not "influenza".
In modern times with antibiotics it is easier to keep well. Your psychic had an old book to go by.
England's # 1 psychic hit it right on the nose... she
predicted you very well... Dumbledore and friends would be be proud.... RCS
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