1. Columbus

I'm not very skeptical about this one. I think he was the dude who came over and discovered this land we call the new world. I am personally disappointed that I discovered--about five years ago--the US doesn't have his holiday on the "No School" list. We need to re-discover this one people.
2. The Moon

Sure we didn't really discover the moon, but there are those in the government who would have you believe we actually landed on the moon many (chuckle chuckle, cough cough) moons ago. I have my doubts. If we really did it why haven't we gone back? Also, wouldn't other countries want to do the same thing and take down our little American flag? I'm just saying. So, if you want to prove it to me go ahead and stop giving government money to college football coaches and start giving the funds to the "Journey Back to the Moon 2012 Project". I think it would be a hit, Mr. Obama.
3. Bellybuttons

Remember discovering this? I have a vague recollection of sticking my finger in my bellybutton and looking at it in wonder. This is a big deal people! Our future little Shaw, Westly Cavanaugh, will have this discovery sometime in the next 365 days! Wow!
4. Favorite Foods

Remember when you first tasted that marvelous first bit your favorite food? I do. I remember eating my first filet mignon my Sophomore year of high school at the Hitching Post in Casmalia. I was there for Homecoming with my date Lauren Dooley (does anyone know what has happened to her) and I order it. I loved it, gobbled it up--and then was in the bathroom all night sick from the potent acid reflux issue I would later conquer(ish). Alas, it was not nice to me at first, but I came to love it and cherish my tri-anual consumption of the delicious cut.
5. My Blog

This is a future discovery. I hope to discover who is reading this thing. I get an average of 40-60 hits per day. Who are you? Help me discover this by signing a comment below.
That's it ya'll.
I hate this blog because it has a baby picking at it's belly button. Do you know how tramatizing that picture is if you don't know it's coming? Come on, Michael! Help a sister out. I'm going to start putting pictures of b... on my blog. Just saying.
Well, I always look forward to your blog. It's creative, always different, and fun! Thanks..... RCS
Great blog and quirky stuff! Keep it going in 2011.
A Fan
Go,Michael,go! Give us more wild discoveries!!
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