For some odd reason everyone I run into wants to spoil the joys of us being new parents. I walk around excited to set up my baby's room and they say, "Well you know, this will probably be the last time you have the energy to paint a room like that."
Or if I mention I am going to have a nice evening of dinner and a movie with my wife they'll say, "Don't get too use to that. Once your son comes you'll never go out again."
On Facebook I post that I'm so thankful that my buddies brought me over 1,000 diapers for Westly and what do people say... "Hope you didn't just get [this] size or [that] size."
Or even better was the oddly trollish woman in Target who looked as if she could care less for her little tot--who may I add was playing with a DVD--when the mom looked at Fauf and said, "Enjoy them while they're in the womb. After that it's just..." To this I walked away.
People, let me tell you. I am happy to be having a baby. I am excited. I know it will be more work. I know I'll never have "my own little life". But I'll still be me, still be happy and still be excited to have this little doodle in my life.
Needless to say I am so delighted by this time of life. I love planning. I love the anticipation. I love the expectancy. It is delightful.
So the next time you see me just say, "Hooray for babies!" and I'll cheer along with you!
Those comments also made/make me mad! They certainly don't represent God's view of children. Congrats to you and Farah!
Don't let people get you down. Yes, it's harder to have 'just the two of you time' when you have kids. Yes, it's harder to have free time and hobbies. Yes, it is easier when they are in the womb, rather than in Target having a meltdown because you won't let them do whatever it is they want to do. But it's certainly not as fun. Once Westley gets here, you'll never look back and you'll find yourself saying over and over again 'Kids are SO much fun!'. Just feel pity for those that don't feel that way. They're the onces missing out.
Thanks, Morgan! I remembered people saying similar negative comments about marriage before we got married. I wish I could go back and tell all those people, "I proved you wrong. I am SOOO happy being married." I know it will be the same with having kids. I agree, people who say those negative things are just missing out :(
Three big cheers and shout-outs to life, love, and little
Three big cheers and shout-outs to life, love, and little
I never laughed so hard before I became a mom. Before my three girls came along, I had never cried out to God with thankfulness and amazement at His miracles.
Even when the kids are being crazy and I've lost my mind sometimes I just curl up and laugh like a crazy person and it makes me a little happier laughing at the situation.
I hate all the pessimistic comments! You and Farah are going to be amazing parents! You're both carefree and fun people and that's what it takes to enjoy children. Hooray for babies!!!
Here's what my friend Bev told Morgan and Jon before Adelaide was born: "Your life will never be the same, just more fun." Seems to be a pretty accurate statement. I'm looking forward to meeting Westly, and, of course, his little pal Hudson!
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