Getting ready for Baby Westly is a lot of fun, and a lot of work. We've been very busy taking care of his pre-world needs and entrance in the world needs. Here is a list of a few of the things we have done:

1. Birthing Classes--in preparation to push this little bugger out we have been learning about the options available to us during the 12-48 hour time period whilst my lovely lady is in labor (say that five times fast).

2. Your Baby Week by Week--once a week we crack open the book before going to bed and read about the insane development of our little doodle. He is always growing and changing and it has been fascinating to read about him.

3. Awkward Family Photos--we have viewed these photos regularly to ensure we don't fall into the trap of taking absurdly positioned photos. Nevertheless, we do plan on taking absurd pictures of our little scoundrel doing absurd things.

4. Decorating the Nursery--I spent a lot of time painting, Farah spent a good amount of time sewing and we have both spent a lot of time organizing all the loot (woot, woot). It is a lot of work, but well worth it.

5. Praying for this little Tike--he needs all the prayer he can get having parents like he will.
Your boy is very fortunate to have you and Farah, as he'll learn. Do take a little extra time for yourselves when you can. Love, RCS
I agree with RCS. Little Westly is fortunate to have the parents he has. Take it easy while you can.
... and always remember, it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
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