5. Boomers

Some of you may be surprised to see this one making the list, but if you happen to be a gambler like myself you know that the "Deal or No Deal" game exists at all great arcade facilities. That's right, for just $1.50 you get the chance to interact with the briefcases from the show. Watch out for the grumpy Asian Model who scowls at you, and the constant wanna-be gangsters who roam the arcade. But as long as you have a cop for a best friend, you should be safe.
4. Panera Bread

Every week I meet my friend, Kaleb, at this fine establishment. And it doesn't take much of my money. I cleverly discovered when buying a plain bagel for the listed price of 99 cents, if you get the bagel on a tray it costs $1.07, but if you get it in a To-Go Bag it only costs the listed price of 99 cents. Pair the bagel with some water and Land O'Lakes Butter and you have a perfect treat that is carb-a-licious. The only big issue I have with this place is their horrible taste in music. It is worse than muzak--it is Kenny G INSPIRED, not even the real deal. Therefore this establishment earns my 4th place ranking.
3. Starbucks, McCoy
Now I like this place, but really only with the Fauf. We like to frequent this establishment and play games such as Scrabble, Chess, Pictionary, and yes, even Skip-Bo. It smells wonderful in there, but after spending over 20 minutes in the pad you start to smell of coffee grounds, which can be a good thing for some. It is a good place to relax, but it tends to get a little cold because they can't seem to maintain their air conditioning unit. Therefore it earns my 3rd pace spot.
2. Edward's Cinema

No, our movie theatre isn't the best. But hey, I love the movies. Something new is always happening at the movies and there is something about the shared experience with others that make movie going enjoyable. Now if only the theatre would fix all the broken seats, lower prices, and make the theatre stadium seating I'd move them up in my rank, but for now this spot reflects the joy of the movies and dollar popcorn days.
1. Target

Honestly, it doesn't get much better than this folks. It has pretty much anything you will ever need. And when you can't find something did you know you can go online and request for the store to stock the item. Well, they don't always listen, but at least they have an outlet for you to send your ideas. The items in the store constantly change and at least one fourth of the items are appropriate for the Manor. In addition, though few try this, you may barter with the check out clerks.
As some of you looked over the list you may have scoffed at the fine establishments here in Santa Maria--and--well that's ok. You can scoff. I just did as I looked over the list again. Please note these are all regularly attended establishments, not PCPA or any grande eatteries such as The Garden Room, these types of establishments will be saved for another blog.
Well, this list didn't surprise me as much as yesterdays. Although I am pleased to learn that to-go bagels are cheaper than for here bagels, although there is no inherit difference between the two. So hooray for you top establishments...although I'm a little shocked not to see TJ's up there. But they have a lot of food (don't hate that word) that you may not like. :)
Thank you for opening my eyes to the trickery of Panera Bread. And I am sorry to share the recent trickery of Starbucks (no way to access a free treat on my bday with my goldcard....I'm a little let down) haha
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