The award for best winker goes to: Lucille 1 from Arrested Development.

The award for best socialite goes to: Mrs. Gilmore of Gilmore Girls.

The award for the "grandest, perfectly grand!" goes to: Lucille 2 from Arrested Development.

The award for most allusive sock stealer (WHAT?) goes to everyone's mom: Mrs. Petrelli.

The award for best foot in the grave goes to: Mrs. Donaghy herself from 30 Rock.

So here's to old, funny women everywhere. I raise a glass to you today! (And no, this has no connection to Fauf growing old this week.)
Ahhh, Mrs. Petrelli. Wasn't that a crazy episode last night? I almost died at the end with fake Nathan.
I only hope I can be as memorable as all those old dames when I'm getting up in years.
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