So, I have been reflecting on my blog and its need for a clear vision and focus this month. So I thought I would continue with my list making. Ranking some of my (Oprah) Favorite Things.
Today's topic: Tasty Treats.
(Hey, I woke up really hungry.)
10. Reeses' Peanut Butter Cups.

I know, many of you were expecting this to be in the top 4, but times they are a-changing. I love these cups. Those Reeses sure have found the perfect balance of chocolate and peanut butter. Which is hard to do. While the Fauf loves to go to "The Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory" to get her amazing cookies, I always reflect on the giant peanut butter cups sitting in their displays and scoff at them. How could they ever try to trump the mighty Reeses? Bah! They can't even come close.
9. Rite Aid's Ice Cream Sandwiches: Cookies and Cream.

Now if I could, I would say our friend Caitrin's ICS's are the best, but I have only had the pleasure of having those one two occasions, so until I can have them one more time I will say Rite Aid's takes the cake. The other brands must envy Rite Aid's. Somehow their cookie/cake crusts find the perfect medium between cookie crunch and cakey softness. The ice cream is just right: soft, smooth, and creamy. Perfection when it comes to enjoying an icy treat. These are particularly wonderful paired with a Fauf outing.
8. Sun-Maid Raisins.

I know this is a shocker for many of you, but I am a huge fan of The Sun-Maid's Raisins. They are a perfect after lunch treat (paired best with number 2 and 3 prior to tasting). They are sweet, flavorful, and let's face it, they are the only item on the list that have only two ingredients: grapes and sunshine. In addition to a great treat you also get the pleasure of seeing that nice lady on the box smiling at you. She really is a delightful soul.
7. Keebler's Fudge Striped Cookies.

These phenomenal treat must have been made by elves. They are similar to shortbread cookies (see below), but they have a choclately coating which add an extra layer of delight to the snacker. I enjoy these cookies once a quarter and find they are also fun to wear on your fingers like rings. You know me, always looking for fun things to do with the Doodels.
6. Pirate's Booty.

About three months ago I would have proclaimed Cheeto Cheese Puffs were my favorite, but times they are a-changin'. This past month or so we had our very own Trader Joe's open, and since then I have had Pirate's Booty more frequently. Now, in all honesty we do not get Pirate's Booty, since Trader Joes has ceased carrying the Booty. However we do buy the world's longest named 7 oz. snack: "Buccaneer Joe's Unburried Treasure White Cheddar Corn Puffs".
5. Peanuts, pretty much any brand, but Planters will always be my first love.

As a kid my dad would take me to the Old Town Market in Orcutt and I would get Honey Roasted Peanuts as a treat. Nowadays I lightly salted peanuts as an afternoon treat. Mmm, salty goodness. We tend to get the store brand as opposed to the name brand, because let's face it, peanuts are peanuts unless they are tainted with salmonella.
4. Shortbread Cookies from the Girl Scouts of America.

They are the delightful. I know a lot of people will try to persuade you that Thin Mints take the cake, but there is something special about those Shortbread Cookies. I place these higher on the list only because of their availability. Those Girl Scouts horde them all year and only make them available during the late Winter. Those goons. Butt back to their goodness, I do think they are good with a cup of tea, but if you happen to have a Diet Coke on hand, that's not too bad either. Which brings me to my next snack.
3. Diet Coke.

I know, many of you don't think of a drink as a snack, but when it comes to Diet Coke, I do. It is just one of those satisfying drinks that has a crisp taste and nice after taste. One thing I don't like about regular Coke is the aftertaste. Not nice. Diet Coke is amazing, good aftertaste and good during-taste.
2. Cheeze-Its.

Honestly people. This is a great cracker. Cheesy, salty, bite sized. Fantastic. We should all grab a box today and talk about the cheesy goodness. But interestingly enough no two boxes taste the same. Sometimes the crackers are overly salted, and other times they are over baked. My personal note on the best box is buying the box at a regular grocery store (not Target or WalMart) at full price. For some reason the "odd" boxes that are over-baked or too salty are found in the Targets and WalMarts of America or at a good sale price. But, if you are not as picky as I am, get those bargain boxes.
1. Quaker Granola Bars.

Mmm. As many will tell you (Jason Sullivan, Brian Rickie, Sean Trouger, etc.) as a young man I loved Granola Bars. My mother even accounts them to sustaining me and giving me a belly. Well, there it is. They are perfect desserts, not really a snack. Specifically the chocolate chip variety are the best. Don't be fooled by the chocolate chunk, while these are acceptable in a moment of distress, they are in no way a valid substitution when both options are present.
Well, there it is. My favorite treats. I'm sure if I continue down my path to Trainer Bob's reform I'll be blogging about grapes, kiwi and carrots in the future, but this is what I like today, so deal with it. But, tomorrow I better write about my favorite exercises.
Good thing your Fauf knows her Ig. Search our kitchen and you will find most of those treats waiting for you! (You are pretty spoiled)
What a good wife you are Farah. :)
A lot of these foods surprised me. I don't think I've ever seen you eat a granola bar, and would've bet money that you didn't like raisins. This was a lovely surprise blog in which I learn new things about you. Huzzah.
Great blogs this week! ...But where's
the pizza hidden? .... And extra jars of peanut butter?
Morgan, Michael's body was almost entirely composed of Quaker chocolate chip granola bars when he was growing up.
Michael's Mum
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