Well after that I sat on the sofa at Corbina and talked to Parker about why X3 was better than we thought. So here are my thoughts...
My guess is I was either:
A) Too Tired the first time to notice them
B) A little slow in the head so they passed me by
C) They really were just that subtle that it takes two times to grasp them.
The two themes that wind their way through the movie are the duality of the human/mutant character and the dilemma of ethics in powers.
Every character had a subtle conflict within him/herself that they needed to resolve. Some were internal (Phoenix) and others were more external (Bobby vs. Pyro). It was a good display of the choices we make and how they effect others. Who we are is determined by the things we do. I won't bore you (yet) with my full analysis of the characters and their conflict of duality, but they all had 'em.
Secondly, Professor X talked about ethics and the application or the "quieting" of powers. This theme was TOTALLY obvious through the whole film. Each character came to a point where he/she had to accept of reject the use of mutant powers on others. I liked it. And it was a good comment on capitalism and socialism.

Ok. My full analysis is that I think I need to get a degree in film, cause I really love this stuff. Anyone wanna sign up for my film 101 class?
Shaw, out.
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