Yes, I do love Harry Potter, yes I do enjoy that Batman fellow, and it is true that I have a bit of an infatuation for American Idol's Katharine McPhee, but still... X-Men was my first media love and it will always be my love.
So... Bling Blang Blog, this week I will concentrate on the beauty of one of the characters of whom I adore:

Yes many of you probably hate him. Think him to be nothing more than a pretty boy who gets the girl. But in my book that is "a-ok." Seriously why do the good guys always get the bad rep? He is a little arrogant (sounds like me), and at times narrow minded. Yet, he is a leader and a developing person. Part of me is really endeared to Cyc because he is rough around the edges, in the sense that he's not the greatest leader, yet he tries.
He's got some awesome powers in my estimation. Mainly being his gamma rays that come out of his eyes. Plus his suit is pretty tight with the asymmetrical strap he typically wears. And on top of all of that, one of the coolest things is that he is related to every mutant. He is like top dog when it comes to blood ties.
So this week, I'm sending a big shout out to Scott Summers, representing for all us Momma's boys in sweet style.

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