Captain Fauf and 1st Lt. Ig

Commanding Officer Eggs

Chief Dodie
A wonderful group of hilarious fellows and a lovely chica. We started off with some heightened drama as the security needed to personaly escort me to the locker systems, because I wanted to *gasp* "make a sandwich in the park." Alas, it wasn't that dramatic, but I did receive an escort to the locker area.
Mimi and Uncle Bill met us up at the land of the Mouse, and Mimi, as usual, was rolling hard and helped us in. We love those two! After some hugs we rode a bunch of rides, stalked a few random guests, ate some *gasp* sandwiches, and laughed till our faces and feet hurt.
The whole day Commander Eggs wore this shirt...

It really reminds me of Pastor when he gets all intense and says, "PAID..... (intensity building) IN.... (DRAMATIC PAUSE and a large hand gesture) FULL!"
OK... Obviously the Shaws and the Drazins won't have a hard time getting along...

All I said was "here let me take your picture."
Aww... Cutest couple ever!

Finally the night came to a close and we decided to ride Splash Mountain... WHOZZERS!

WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED THERE!?! Sick, sick, sick. And I'm tired. Sick and tired. That ride got us CRAZY wet! We were soaked. But hey! It was a blast. We headed back to Redlands and now I sit here with heavy eye lids ready to drift into a purple mist where I will find my youth again.
Goodnight, lovely blog world. Until tomorrow.

Looks like a pretty amazing trip! You guys worked it.
What a great time we all had. I love my brothers, I love you, and I love that you love us all, Michael!
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