The director made some interesting choices. I do believe Bryan Singer would have done a far better job with this one, but alas, we had the other guy. He was good, but not great.

So here is a little list of pros and cons for you:
*Jean Gray was amazingly hot in the film... There's no denying this
*The Professor gained some complexity but it wasn't really "dealt" with
*The visuals on the mutants were great
*The actual Last Stand was an amazing scene and fulfilled my hunger for X-Men fights
*Beast was BEYOND awesome
*Opening flash backs were great: emotional, good insights, and provided the foundation for the story
*Reference to past films were good.
*The general idea/concept for the film
*Mystic and her process through the film (loved what they did with her--totally worked for me)
*The ending with the man in the park (won't say who)
*The Days of the Future Past reference at the end of the film... I was expecting to see "Jubilee 2066" on the stone.
*The introduction to the Phoenix could have come about five minutes quicker (i.e. leave out the X-Men start of discovering her, and gradually reveal the whole lake scene through out the film using Jean's perspective in flashback mode. So I guess it would start with Jean on the table at the Mansion.)
*The "acceptance" and "gay" plots weren't dealt with on an intimate level. The Us vs. Them was observed but we didn't really capture that on a small scale which would have sent the message home more clearly with viewers
*The characters lacked that deep development that helped the other films grab ahold of the hearts of viewers.
*The few (yes very few) that did grab my attention at the start were neglected throughout most of the film and were essential surrounded by superfluous caricatures.
*The flash backs could have spanned the whole film to create a LOST like quality where we learn what the Professor did to Jean, and the whole lake scene I said earlier.
OVERALL... I am very critical of this movie cause I had very VERY high expectations for it. I'd say it met my expectations in some areas, missed the mark in character development and movement of the story, and exceeded my expectation in the battle sequences.
Peanut Butter and Rice Cakes with 2 Tall Diet Cokes

I'm still processing the movie too. I have to agree with you on your points, Michael. But honestly I need to see it again before I write my own critique. It all seems a blurr. But I do know what stuck out to me: angel wings, blue "fur-balls", and chess!
I am dissapointed michael shaw... as a fan of the first two movies, this was an extreme letdown. The characters were underdeveloped, the deaths seemed pointless without any meaning or emotional connection. The action was often good but really, there was just too much. the whole iceman/rouge thing seemed like there were several scenes on the cutting floor. Overall, it just seemed like they took a GREAT idea (the mutant "cure") and flushed it down the john by making a crappy movie.
the only redeeming factor was kitty pryde in action... AMAZING
p.s. I want my 8.50 back dangit
i think i was there when you went.
if you went with kaleb.
i was the annoying high school kid that came over to your guys's seats.
all of the kids dressed up were from my school. lol
i like all your analysises of each character and scene.
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