At any rate I look forward to Monday as I will have a day off for Memorial Day. In the past Memorial Day was the welcome mat to Summer Vacation, but in this day and age we use Memorial Day as a glimpse into the future (Sadly Labor Day is the reverse, the release of Summer's Days Past). So this weekend I plan to live it up and enjoy some wonderful elements of things to come:
5. Go on a bike ride.

I plan to ride my bike at least once a week this summer. I want to enjoy this wonderful spot we live in and ride 5 minutes this way and that way to every important location in Santa Maria.
4. Mini-Vacation on the Road.

Fauf will be shocked by this comment as I have made no reference to it, but summer means going places and seeing new things. Therefore this weekend I will take a little trip to somewhere wonderful. I'll be sure to take the Fauf along as places are so much better with the company of a Fauf.
3. Sleep In.

Yes, I will sleep in. I will not wake up at ridiculous hours in the morning to sit in front of a computer and check people's Facebook statuses. If for some reason I don't sleep in on Saturday I will watch the Sushi Pack on CBS.
2. TV.

During the summer you get accustomed to watching ridiculous TV. I love my Judge Judy, Price is Right, and yes, even the first five minutes of the Young and the Restless. Daytime TV screams, "Look at me! I don't have to be at work! HA!"
1. Masters.

I still have to submit my Master's paper (I know, I know, but now the deadline is looming like Rumplestilskin in a corner), so I will write one more chapter this weekend. That way this summer I have my official degree under my belt and can not worry about paperwork slip ups.
Summer, come hither. I yearn for ye. Maybe the Fauf will post about "Summer Ig and Fauf"... There it is.