10. Angel.

I've always liked Waren. There is something heroic about him and mystical. I like that he isn't content with who he is. He wants to be "cured" and gets sucked into the biggest debaucle of all time when he is turned into Archangel. While I like the Archangel, Angel in his pure form is pretty sweet. The power of flight with actual wings is delightful. I think as a character he has one of the best looks.
9. Beast.

I have always loved the Beast. He is smart, witty, adventurous, and gentle spirited. I would have liked to have given him a higher rating, but he is sometimes drawn so poorly that his rating can change with the swish of a brushstroke. However, because of his cerebral contributions I rank him in the Top 10.
8. Professor X.

I like the guy, I do. He is extremely cut for being a guy in a wheelchair. He is freakishly powerful and knows everything you are thinking. But the great thing is his vision for the world. He has this defining mantra that pushes him through the series. While he can get distracted by alien lovers, he is a good guy and a pretty sweet leader.
7. Nightcrawler.

I think he is probably the ugliest X-Man, but I like him because he is so spiritual. I had this fear growing up that X-Men was pulling me away from the faith, so I prayed to God asking him to show me what I needed to do. Well, I watched X-Men that Saturday morning and it was all about believing in God and trusting in him. I took that as a "OK, fine Michael. Watch X-Men, but be careful when you watch number 4 and 6 on your list." Yup, Nightcrawler works it.
6. Rogue.

In my opinion she has one of the coolest powers. While she didn't always have the ability of flight and super human strength those are two great ones to add to her repertoire. I like that she can absorb powers from others just with the slightest of touches. Not to mention she is one of the hottest X-Men, which makes her power rather Shakespearian. With the powers of Ms. Marvel, her own stealing powers, and topped off with a southern accent, she is ranked pretty high in my book.
5. Colossus.

This guy is every boy's joy. A guy who is steel!? A guy who is ripped like Arnold in the 80's!? Yup. He is pretty cool and he is Russian. I think that makes him more tough. But he is also a good guy who cares about his little sister and family. That makes him lovable to all people (With the exception of Parker who does not find sisters enjoyable).
4. Jean Grey.

I had a big crush on her growing up. I liked the good girl who stands by her man, but still has some complex problems tucked away sort of a thing (Well I did marry the good girl part, and I'm glad the complex problems didn't come with the Fauf). Her power is great because she has potential to be as mighty as the Professor but she needs work. It is great to see her fight for her family and grow in strength. Jean is great and makes the cut for the top 4.
3. Gambit.

He's got style, he's got grace, he's Miss United St--wait. Well, it is true Gambit has always been a top ranked hero in my book. He is smooth and stylish. His eyes are pretty cool too (I mean its not everyday you get to see a guy with black corneas). As for his power, I think it is a fantastic one. The idea of "charging" items with energy is like having the world as a weapon. Match that with his love for the ladies and his foolish endeavors to get one for himself, and you have a good character in Gambit.
2. Magneto.

Depending on what part of the X-Men History you are looking at will determine which side of Magneto you want to accept as his true side. Some may be shocked to know he once considered himself an X-Man. While I personally didn't like that story line, I do like the fact that he and Charles Xavier have the exact opposite goals for the co-habitation of mutants and humans. I love that there is this philosophical battle between the two giants. Add that to his mad-genius skills and you've got yourself a great character on your hands. Oh, and the magnet stuff is pretty good too.
1. Cyclops.

I may get some grief for putting him at number one, but hey... I like the guy! He is a typical, upper-class kid who is learning to be a leader. He follows the rules and wants to see the right thing done. He isn't the strongest of leaders, but he is always growing and trying to learn from Prof. X. All in all his character is good. As for his power, I think the idea behind looking at someone and them pretty much blowing up is a good one. It is like the ultimate "teacher stare".
Cyclops sucks. I mean really Michael, I know the Alpha-male in you wants to like him...but he is a putz.
PS: "teacher stare"? seriously?
I, Magneto, and my Scarlet Witch, challenge you, Mighty Michael, and your Pink Fauf, to a Drag Race down the Elks Rodeo Parade route while our mutual arch enemy Patrolman Michael Parker is on duty! RSVP SMPD and/or KCOY....Then we'll see who the real Putz is!
Your analysis of Cyclops is very insightful though
a bit autobiographical. Respectfully yours,
Professor X
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