10. "This is my courtroom. I'll say what I want. When you become a judge, we'll talk."
9. "You spent 72 dollars getting your hair done? You wasted your money."
8. "My grandmother always told me: Beauty fades, but dumb is forever."
7. "NEXT!"
6. "Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining."
5. "Of course I'm right. I'm always right."
4. "When my mouth moves, yours stops."
3. "Do you come from a long line of idiots?"
2. "If you live to be 100 you will never be as smart as me!"
1. "I am here because I'm smart--not because I am young and gorgeous, though I am."
I love when she also tells clients not to waste her time with their petty lives....
Congratulations! Justice rules and
right prevails once more! XX
Cyclops, et al
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