Me played by Toby McGuire (eh, it isn't the best fit, but it would work)

Farah played by Jennifer Gardner

Dad played by Steve Martin

Mum played by Maggie Smith (if she has botox)

Susie played by Lauren Graham

Katie played by Sara Ru (she suggested Betty White!)

Jason played by Bob Saget

Lisa played by Natalie Portman

Kyle played by The Bachelor

Cassidy played by Suri Cruise

Christopher played by Gwen Steffani's son, whatever his name is

Friends to be Included:
Parker played by The Guy From Southland

Jon played by a skinny Jack Black and Morgen played by Uma

Kevin and Rebecca played by the Stillers

Micah played by the guy from Chuck
Caitrin played by Rhianna (we needed some diversity)

Jackie played by Rory Gilmore, whatever her name is

Jimmy played by Ray Romano

Chet played by Chuck Norris

There it is. If you would like to be included please let me know and I will write you into the story of my life.
Awesome casting, Shaw.
hahahah. oh chuck norris. thats funny. I would say write me in but im afraid you will pick meme from the drew carey show. yikes. If you have any ideas for jason and I that are better then that, let me know lol.
Ha ha, this totally cracked me up. I've never thought of Uma for me...
I LOVE Ray Romano as Jimmy. Classic.
This is hilarious! You should probably cast me though!
Ok so now i gotta watch Gilmore Girls and see if I agree with this casting....Damn Farah for getting the Sydney Bristow (miss gardner)
I guess we should prophetically cast my future husband with Brad Pitt...if we must, we must
Wow. Bob Saget? You pick the guy I can't STAND to portray me in your movie? I am THIS close to boycotting your blog. This is WAR!
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