10. The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh.

Scoff all you want, but this is the perfect ride to go on when the lines for everything else are out the hizz-oo. I have found this ride to be perfect for drying off after a wetting experience on the Mountain of Splash. Not to mention I always think of the Cass on the ride. Yup, it is a good one. Marked in at number 10.
9. Snow White's Scary Adventures.

I know this one is not a favorite of most people's, but to me it is a great one. It has magic, excitement, and scary moments that are sure to scare even the most hardened of hearts. I personally love trying to reach for the magic gems. That started way back in the Little Ig Days, Lisa and I would always try to reach for them. We were convinced if we could only get Burt, our giant uncle, on the ride, we could get some gems. In addition I loved or perhaps still love that golden apple at the front of the ride. Sadly the last time I was there it was gone. Ah, fond memories.
8. Peter Pan's Flight.

I love the take off song in the Nursery and flying over London is iconic. The whole concept of the track being over your head was genius. Just a slight change and it changes the entire perspective of the ride. It is magical, fun, and not too scary so all will enjoy the ride. Well done, Mr. Disney. It would have a higher rating, however the line is always atrociously long.
7. Pinocchio's Daring Journey.

I love this one. Perhaps it is because it bugs the Fauf that one day I will call her Monstro. Or perhaps it is because our son (someday) will be the spitting image of the little puppet. Whatever the reason I love it the Fauf or the song, it ranks in at number 7.
6. Space Mountain.

I don't always go on this one (due to line length), and I almost considered bumping it for "it's a small world" but after hearing that blasted song a million times during our Christmas Concert I decided "Thanks, but no thanks." Space Mountain is the fastest ride in the Kingdom and is well put together. My favorite part of the ride is that little observation booth where there are these random workers who look like they are punching time cards. I think I read somewhere that they were the actual Security for the park. At any rate the fast turns and wind in your face makes the ride a solid 6 in my book.
5. Splash Mountain.

While I am not always in the mood for this ride, I have to admit is fantastic. It is longer than the average ride at Disney and has a fun theme to it. The first time I rode the ride I was in utter tears over the fact that I was too little and had seen a dummy fall out of the ride only a year before. Nevertheless, I rode the ride a few more times and it grew on me. Roaring rapids, steep plummets, and a song once sung by the happy slave. Wonderful Disney Work at its finest.
4. Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye.

I really love the whole themed-out madness that this ride brings. You are brought into the experience from the gecko (as I call it). The ride itself is a mixture of all the goodness present at Disneyland from fun animitronics to high speed voyages and back to good old fashioned thrills. The ride is a keeper and thanks to Jeremy and his little decoder I can read a lot of the signs on the walls.
3. Pirates of the Caribbean.
Yo ho ho! A great ride for many reasons. It is very long. Has some action to it. Tells a story. Has Davy Jones in it. And is classically Disney. I myself have learned to love the very beginning of the ride in the Blu Bayou almost as much as the Pirate who sings the descant. My dad always said when he was retired he would be the old man on the porch outside of the Bayou, for those of you who are wondering if he followed through with this idea, just stroll by Countrywood Manor and see for yer self. Ye have been warned.
2. The Haunted Mansion.

This is an icon of Disney and is worth going in no matter what time of the year. I prefer the Traditional Haunted Mansion, but every so often it is great to go in and see Jack and the Gang. My favorite part of the ride is now the graveyard scene. It use to be the waltzing ghosts, but I think the old man (Kaleb) by the tree makes the ride come "alive" for me. Not to mention the stretching portraits that make me feel at home... Ah. I love this ride.
1. Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters.

I have to admit this has become my favorite ride. The interactions you have with the little posts in the game are so fun, plus you walk away with a great photo of you and your Fauf, well if you are on it probably not the Fauf, but hopefully someone special. I love the idea behind the game: being inside a video game. It never gets old for me. Hooray for Buzz!
You got me even more excited to go this weekend!
This list is horrible Mr. Shaw, just unforgivable; first off: Pirates Third? The only ride that has ever had that ability to knock pirates out of the top spot is haunted mansion, so it should rank nowhere less than 2nd (even with the miserable Davy Jones on it). Winnie the Pooh? There is another type of Pooh I would take on that choice. And where exactly is Mr. Toads Wild Ride, the seminal Fantasyland ride? Buzz Lightyear as number 1? My word, i never truly knew the man i lived with for those brief but happy couple of years, did i? Atrocious Mr. Shaw, just a miserable list. Bah humbug Mr Shaw.
Aww, poor Parker all worked up (I can't believe he used the word "seminal"! What a weird word!).
I don't think I've ever been on the Winnie the Pooh or the Snow White ride. Pirates is the best though (says I, Davy Jones...)!
Love you list, although it would not be mine as you left off Big Thuder Mountain, the cannoes and the Jungle Boat (I mean really Michael). And I have to agree with Parker about Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. Funny thing is that was always my favorite Fantasyland ride until I had children and it scared my son! When you look at it through a two year old's eyes it is really scary. In fact several of the Fantasyland rides are outright scary.
I never understood why it was Snow White's scary adventure when she was nowhere to be found (although I do love watching the queen peak through the window watching those in Fantasyland).
And although it is not a ride, my favorite thing in Disneyland is Club 33. Hmmm....a new list for you. Favorite non-ride things at Disneyland!
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