Wednesday, September 08, 2004

I couldn't face my life tomorrow...

Without your hope in lad di da doh...

So today and the last whatever its been has been very exciting. Not much has been actually happening to me now that the bird has flown the nest, but it is nevertheless an exciting time in the way of J-12. I have been doing that Blog much more justice than this one. But alas me matey, it is still a blog.

I plan on going to see my sister, but I need to tell Chet that I can't sing on Sunday first. Oops. I told him that I would check with her about it... But we'll see. Anyway I am excited about that, and even more so about seeing the Bird. It should be good. I have a digital camera now so I will show up with that and post some of our adventures. ok.. time to use the phone...

cya kids

1 comment:

Carrie said...

The bird is quite excited about you coming to visit! 15 more days...