(Parker, you may not read this blog)
Ladies and Gentlemen. I am calling upon you to gain your support, your love, and your man power. In 20 days Parker will have lost the bet, but in 20 days much can happen.
I could possibly slip and sing a Potter Tune. Mention a man who slips behind a curtain. Or perhaps even blurt about a boy wizard. Please, if you see me refrain from discussion about the boy who lived. Keep me accountable so in a few short weeks Mr. Parker will need to read all 7 books and then attend the Yule Ball where he will dress as any character I select. I fear his (that is Parker's) devilish trickery will be in full force during these next three weeks, so I shall be on guard.
This is my hope, my dream, and my one year goal. Hey, I only made 4 slips. One more and I'll be out. Help me out here people.
Here's to the boy who lived and the boy who will need to read the books.