Sunday, October 25, 2009

Life in a Mask

Surprise. I'm back again.

Well, it's that time of year again. Halloween Time.

Christmas time, brings the snow.
Summer time, brings the sun.
But on Halloween, your flesh begins to RUN!
Something spooky's goin' down, down.

So here is the list of things I have been over the past few 5ish years:

So what will it be this year? I'll give you a hint: Our theme is famous couples, and my costume has something to do with my fourth grade experience.


Anonymous said...

Fourth grade??? The mind boggles..... Hmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

Woo....Waldo and McCain... Your lists continue to astound!

Susie (Shaw) Fitler said...

ummm were you in dad's class?


I know, I know! HAHA

Anonymous said...

LISA knows everything!! Everyone always
confides in her, and I know nothing.... Signed:
Left out in Santa Maria... P.S. But ignorance can be bliss.